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  1. Right now he is embarrassing himself, on ESPN, blaming everyone but himself or his team for the loss. One guy on ESPN News sarcastically called him, "A great loser. A real class act!" The Miami message board has the transcript from the press conference.
  2. Please tell me you will retire Joyce and Travis's jerseys, so I can tell my kids about all the choke jobs in their history every time we see their jerseys hanging on the rafters!!
  3. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Hey guys!!!!! What's up??? Hear any interesting scores today? In case you forgot...in Baseball in Basketball and soon to be in football: THE TRIPLE CROWN!!!!!!
  5. I did make a mistake......I said our softball team was East Division Champs. I meant to say: :macc: And our baseball team is two wins away from being: :macc:
  6. Let's see how we fare head-to-head in EVERY sport. Football- Akron. Volleyball- Can't. Men's Basketball-Can't. Women's B-ball-Can't. Men's Golf-Can't. Women's Golf- Can't. Track-Akron. Softball- Can't. Baseball- We will see this weekend. In fact, I believe Akron may have the worst overall programs in the MAC.
  7. You're right....the Elite Eight is nothing! MORON!!!!
  8. During basketball, all you guys did was talk trash until you choked (as usual). I love you guys!!!!! You want to win sooooooo bad. But eventually you lose. Then, you pretend it doesn't matter. You're just a second rate school that had one good year in football. We'll see what you're made of this year.
  9. We will accept our trophies for having the best men's and women's programs in the MAC next month. Thank you for being our bitch!!! :macc: :macc:
  10. If you're keeping score in the Spring sports:Women's Golf = :macc: Men's Golf = :macc: Softball = East Division Champs!! And soon to be baseball: :macc: And in case you forgot... MEN'S BASKETBALL: :macc: We are the best school in the MAC, and there isn't even a close second!!!!! K ENT STATE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Sorry zip37, but no matter how many times you say it....WE ARE :macc: I know a good shrink if you need to talk to somebody about your delusions.
  12. Oh yeah...in basketball and soon to be baseball :macc: :macc:
  13. You guys are hilarious. You try to get a topic started on Men's Soccer (which is like watching paint dry), but ignore basesball because the Zips suck. Everybody know the only four sports that matter are: Men's Basketball, football, baseball and Women's Basketball. Two of the four are a complete joke at Akron. And the Men's hoops team is still our bitch (in meaningful games). Keep staring at that Men's Soccer banner, beacause nobody else is.
  14. I still love to hate Akron, but I'm a MAC fan all the way, once the postseason starts. It would be nice for you guys to win Thursday followed by a K ent victory 24 hours later!!!!
  15. ESPN is reporting that there was only 1,000 people in attendance for the Akron-Temple game. Tell me again why this game wasn't in Akron????????
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