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Zeke's 18th Birthday!


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I don't know if the Nation saw this on a previous discussion board, but I asked Zeke's mom if they will be joining us at the JAR for any games this season. Look at her response:...Zeke, his stepdad and his little sister will be at the NC A&T home game on the 13th, which is also Zeke's 18th birthday I unfortunately have a previous engagement on the same day and will actually be in Dayton, OH on that day.. Do you think the Rowdies can play this up for our favorite player from McKeesport at that game?

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I could probably shoot an email over to Willy to see if he could throw something together to get the word out. The problem with that date is that the previous week is exam week and many students will be heading home for break before then. It'll be harder to get a lot of students to be there for that game for that reason alone. However, I don't see there being NO students as I am sure some students who live off campus are having parties that weekend and will still be down here for the game.

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I can say for a fact that the B&G Brass has "happy birthday" in their song book so maybe they can actually have a chance to play it (if their there)
I'll let you know as soon as the director lets us know. He's taking count in the next day or so to see how many people can make it.
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If the pep band can't play Humpty Dance......I hope we can at least count on hearing it sometime over the PA system. We can't pass up an opportunity like that.
I agree....don't think I'm not going to get up and actually do the Humpty Dance....does anyone else know how to do it? I'm looking forward to this season...Rhema wants to see Zippy really, really bad. She asked me 3 times today if we could "go see Zippy".
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