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Akron-NC A&T In Game


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Deeustin...Once again...I hope you are right, and the problem will eventually be corrected. But even though you state that "I'd take that if I was a coach", I can tell you've never coached. ANY coach, at ANY level who I have EVER been associated with in 30+ years of being involved in basketball would be concerned about a poor assist/turnover ratio from your PG. Now...even if I was just a regular fan....what is the problem you have with someone pointing out a problem area for a particular player? It's part of being a fan. Relax. I'm sure that gozips19 was just doing the same thing, and I don't quite understand why you seem compelled all the time to quickly criticize what amounts to a pretty fair and accurate critique at this point.
Way to misquote me Skip. I said i'd take 23 points 4 assists and 3 turnovers every night. What coach wouldn't take that? i never said i'd take 1:3 turnover ratio. the 3 turnovers came against a team that pressured heavily most of the game. Their coach even commented that he was impressed how strong with the ball and disciplined he was, but you arent impressed. You do indeed have a freshman PG (who practiced for a year in this system and with these players, which you like to ignore) who has a 3:1 ratio. He also has a 28% shooting percentage and averages 3 points per game. Do i expect that he'll improve on those numbers? you betcha i do, he's in the first 5 or so games of his college career. You're comment about me never having coached, after you obviously misread my post, comes off as you being a know it all. I dont have a problem with your crotiquing a deficiency in someone's game, i just responded that it would improve and you need to be patient. the gentleman before you crotiqued and commented on 9 or 10 different things having to do with the game. you keep harping on the same crotique of the same player. You have a mentality that true freshman should play like 5th year seniors in the first 10 games of their careers. that is a unrealistic expectation. It is expected that they will make progress towards that kind of composure, but you have basically been writing it off as impossible b/c "all the decades you've been around the game, you've seen so many players with that turnover bug that they cant shake and he has the signs of it"...to paraphrase. enjoy some of the positives and lay off the pessimistic viewpoints.since you know enough about me to know that i've never been a coach, here is my opinion. You are an older man, a basketball traditionalist who prides themselves on and enjoy the fundamentals of the game. Every basket would come through the offense in a perfect world for you. A player with a little flair to his game who is having turnover problems to start his career but has been evolving into one of the better scorers on the team, makes your stomach turn as you watch your favorite team bc PG's should just take care of the ball and make safe passes, they arent supposed to be scorers. I'd be willing to bet my assumption is much closer than yours. BTW...i'll make sure to tell my boys at practice thursday that they dont get to play if their turnover ratio's are in the negative the first 8 games of our season. :)As for Jimmy C. I'd have to guess that he's been producing in practice. KD mentioned that he was in the doghouse big-time last year. and it sounds as if he did what you want players to do when facing that situation. Play your heart out in practice and MAKE the coach give you minutes. I like his game because he's strong and assertive in whatever he decides to do. The McKnights are more hit or miss, but Jimmy has the makings of a very good role player for the next year and a half. He doesnt have to be anything more than a role player.
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Zips win....I have to admit....I'm surprised at any game where McNees would get more minutes than Roberts. I'm not seeing an equal skill set there. I think Roberts should clearly have the most minutes as the 2-guard.being at the game roberts as lost some confidence. i would think that with a team so young this will be a musical chairs type situation as roberts will get hot and then mcnees will be down etc etc. kd will just have to feel this out as the season plays out. :screwks:

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Zips win....I have to admit....I'm surprised at any game where McNees would get more minutes than Roberts. I'm not seeing an equal skill set there. I think Roberts should clearly have the most minutes as the 2-guard.being at the game roberts as lost some confidence. i would think that with a team so young this will be a musical chairs type situation as roberts will get hot and then mcnees will be down etc etc. kd will just have to feel this out as the season plays out. :screwks:
I think you're exactly right regarding Roberts. He hasnt looked confident for a few games now. I'd really like to see him drive the basketball some instead of seeming intent to try to shoot himself out of it from deep. but i guess thats the trend for the whole team thus far. As for Mcnees. I think he's always going to be a kid where you just have to put him on the court for a little bit and see what kind of night its gonna be for Steve. That will lead to up and down numbers rotating between the two of them as you mentioned.
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A 1:3 assist/turnover ratio is really bad. And someone pointed out that it's been improving game-by-game this season, which is not correct. He had his highest turnover number in game 8 against Dayton.
What I said was: "Humpty's numbers indicate that he is improving game by game in a steadily rising line up the graph."That's overall numbers, not any single specific area. Individual areas of performance are not as relevant as overall performance. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. What's most important is that all the positives and all the negatives taken together result in a net positive for the team.In any case, statistics almost never follow a straight line. They tend to move up and down on an event-to-event basis, with single-event aberrations not being statistically significant.What a good coach will be looking for from an inexperienced player is a general upward trend in overall performance.
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Dave...exactly right my friend! and you have to realize the overall performance has improved leaps and bounds instead of not being able to get past the turnovers, which will improve with time as well. I told Skip to start a new turnover ratio after the Dayton game b/c the rest of his game was starting to arrive and so that part would come with it. and so far the new ratio is 4 assists to 3 turnovers. there will be good games and there will be bad, but i promise you it will be much much better than it was the first 8 games.

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