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UA Tops in state

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Better than OU, and 6 times better than OSU. We are also seventh in the entire nation, highest for universities without a medical school and 1st when based on revenue per dollars spent on research. Akron News Now copy of Press ReleasePretty big news, and proof positive that the University should be running NEOUCOM.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Pretty big news, and proof positive that the University should be running NEOUCOM.
Sorry to bring up an old post, but are you guys saying UA should take over NEOUCOM, and Can't & YSU should drop it? I don't really understand the whole debate.
Some (including myself) feel that NEOUCOM would be better served if the medical school was in Akron, with the current buildings downgraded to a satellite campus or technology park. My specific comment was referring to the fact that UARF now handles both The University of Akron and Cleveland State's research operations. It has made both incredibly profitable (per investment dollar), so NEOUCOM would benefit immensely by being under The University of Akron Research Foundation.
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