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Singletary NOT suspended


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According to Rasor's blog it now appears that Chris Singletary will NOT miss any time (other than 39 minutes of today's game) for the flagrant punch he threw to Nate's stomach.This is wrong on so many levels. Singletary has had three, four, maybe five chances at this point (its hard to keep track of with this kid) to prove that he has moved out of the slums of Chicago and is ready to be a civilized human being. Can't has coddled him and coddled him and coddled him. When he blew a .13 after being pulled over early in the morning he sat a grand total of ONE game. One stinking game for putting every motorist on the road that night in jeopardy. He gets arrested for a noise violation and fighting with the cops. He doesn't even get put on probation. Violating team rules, another slap on the wrist one game suspension. Now he goes out of his way to try and injure an opposing teams player and the only punishment is an ejection from one game. How many times will this kid be allowed to show that he has no control over his emotions? Over his life? It wasn't like this incident happend 20 or 30 minutes into the game and it could have been construed as a hard foul. This happened one minute into the game. Singletary wound up, made a fist and laid it right smack into Nate's chest. That my friends is premeditated. If the MAC refuses to take action against Singletary then Geno Ford, Laing Kennedy and the Can't State administration needs to step up and do it themselves. Unfortunatly, as everyone already knows, they won't. Chris will come out with an apology tomorow, Dave Carducci will write a story about how hard Chris' childhood was and how he deserves another chance. The Can't faithful will sing koombaya and it will all be alright. Consider this Zips fan PISSED.

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i am still steaming from this. I will be at that game at 2pm tuesday and i will be in Singletary's ear the ENTIRE game. I have already taken off work to ensure that Singletary does not get a free pass on this. If he is the thug he seems to be i guarantee you will see him on ESPN coming into the stands after me. They will have to remove me from the game before i shut up.

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You know it's bad when Can't State thugs call you a disgrace to the school...If this wasn't bad enough for the officials to suspend him then the school definately needs to think about it. Between a DUI, fighting with the cops, violating team rules and this you have to draw the line somewhere. It's almost like Terrell Owens and his attitude problems, how can you play at your best with someone like that on your team? Someone needs to get a message through to this guy that he can't keep doing the things he's doing without some sort of punishment.

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Someone needs to get a message through to this guy that he can't keep doing the things he's doing without some sort of punishment.
The only message that is being sent by the lack of action taken is that you can do stuff like that and get away with it at Can't State.
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