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How do you........

Big Zip

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develop a program like what Gonzaga has managed to do and to a lesser extent Can't. More to the point -- what is it going to take for Keith to put Akron basketball on the map. I've pointed it out before, but the 1997 playoff game was the point of no return for Akron basketball with Hipsher. A high seeded Akron team lost in the MAC tourney to a bottom feeding Can't team. Can't then went on to yearly post season appearances and an elite 8 showing. Akron has won one tourney game. Prior to Gonzaga's recent run they were best known as the school John Stockton went to -- other than that no one in the East really new them.

I think the base of Travis, Wood, Peterson and Joyce can be the start to that something special to catapult Akron higher. I hope this year's recruits fit into the mix too, but I'm not sure Preston will amount to the play we have seen visions of.

Is it just as simple as catching lightening in a bottle and riding it out. I don't think so -- I think it starts with a coach and I hope KD is the man that can do it. I know he's learned a lot and I'm looking forward to him briging a new style of play to the JAR, but his record at CMU wasn't great. It may have been to soon to tell though because he wasn't there to watch the players grow. I do believe it was his players who beat Michigan State in '95 -- if he was there he'd have at least one more win over a major school than DAn. I ask this question in particular after seeing Gary Waters lead his Rutgers team to the NIT Championship last night -- it seems Gary Waters deserves better than Rutgers he certainly has proven he's a coach that make a difference.

I hope and belive KD can be that same type of coach. Here's to coaching changes and new beginnings in Akron athletics! :cheers:

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BIG ZIP ... good post. You asked a lot of tough questions.

Here's what I know about Gonzaga. I have friends who live just east of Spokane across the Idaho line. They tell me that Gonzage succeeds for several reasons. Here are the factors. First, the head coach is a home boy from the area. I believe he went to Gonzaga and might have played BB for them. Two, the entire area is heavily Catholic and Gonzaga is a Catholic school. Thus, they draw many quality kids locally. Third, the only major competion for the Zags is a pathetic Washington State that has a "loser" reputaion not unlike Can't owns. Even when the Couagers win no one expects them to follow through. Fourth, the Zags have persisted long enough as winners to gain a following outside the local area (hmmm, sounds like Xavier and Dayton) that now attracts kids from other parts.

Gonzaga built the program a brick at a time.

Zippy stuff: Not only how does Preston fit in and will he have the character to do the work to get back, can Nick Meyers give a quality senior year? Either of these guys have more going for them than Matt Futch who has potential and seemingly no drive.

A lot of ifs .... if Goddard can produce .... if Quade Milum can give minutes down low as a true freshman ... if someone more consistent than Mario (hey, I had one great game) Collins can be found to spell Dru at the point ... if Darryl Peterson has the maturity to play like an upper classman ... if Bubba Walthers really is the player he exhibits occasionally ... if Coach D has the courage to run a four or even five forward offense ... a lot of "ifs" ... and a lot more not mentioned

Coach Dambrot is going to make us proud. His drive, his track record says he can get the job done. What one of us did not think the minute we first heard that Hipsher had hired KD that one day he would hold the HC job?

The one component that must come from way above is the commitment to spend the money. This rests squarely on Dr. Luis Porenza's shoulders. He now has the university going in the direction he envisioned. Now comes the time to pay the piper.

As for Gary Waters, I realize he is a well respected coach and deserves kudos for winning the NIT. He has done wonders at Rutgers ( a perennial bottom feeder like Can't). And I agree that most likely he will shortly be moving up and onward. After all, Stan Heat hith a lot less credentials leap frogged over Waters by winning with kids Waters brought in.

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JP Morgan ... I stand corrected. I turned the game off just as Rutgers was making a run early in the second halve. I just picked up on BZ's comments. sigh. Need to do my own proofing.

My video of Seabisquit was of more interest.

Seabisquit won.

I love the movie because I grew up with an image in my head of Porky Pig muttering, "come on Seabisquit". Always pictured Seabisquit as a plug horse on account of that image. PP being such a loser himself. What a surprise to discover that Seabisquit indeed made a Rear Admiral out of triple crown winner War Admiral.

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