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UA not in Lunardi's Top 96

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I post this simply for humor's sake...Joe Lunardi took a look at what a 96 team NCAA field might look like.

Here's what is funny. Someone forgot to tell Lunardi that Can't lost six seniors and that Bassett is leaving Ohio.

Good News...the MAC finally gets two teams in the NCAA Tournament...LoL.


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I post this simply for humor's sake...Joe Lunardi took a look at what a 96 team NCAA field might look like.

Here's what is funny. Someone forgot to tell Lunardi that Can't lost six seniors and that Bassett is leaving Ohio.

Good News...the MAC finally gets two teams in the NCAA Tournament...LoL.


Is it a surprise anymore when someone just inserts a MAC team based on past performance, previous years record, or some other criteria, and doesn't bother to really take a look any depper than that?

It still makes me mad, but we see this all the time.

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