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Zips Beat Michigan in Overtime!

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Soccer team beat Uof M in OT---1-0. Great Job Zips to stay undefeated! WOW, this is really amazing! The football team needs to go talk to the futbol team about having a winning attitude. Right now, I think the UA soccer team really believes that NOBODY can beat them! :rock: They EXPECT to win EVERY game! Who went to the game? How was the crowd? Does Akron get some of the tourney games at home if they are the #1 seed? If so, I think UA will need to bring in some extra stands, and we should all show up and tailgate! :CK_brew:

Zips Down Michigan in OT

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Nothing like replying to your own post. Has anything been on the local TV news about the soccer program???? You know if OSU had the top ranked Guinea Pig racing team it would make the Cleveland news every weekend. Just wondering if Akron has gotten any mention? Big week, Zips could close out the season undefeated!

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I was at the game, and wow. Took the sons and we had a great time despite a pretty cold night. Very nice crowd, standing room only and probably at least 2,000 if not more. Sunday should be even better, supposed to be sunny and around 60. The wife even said she would go.

Was a very exciting game, this team is good. I mean GOOD. They were determined to win and got it done. I did see David Lee from the beacon on the field after the game, so I guess that means there will at least be some print coverage. Did not notice any TV cameras. However I did hear from someone in the stands that the game on sunday is going to be on tv. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Kudos to UAM and his staff for the great fireworks after the game. The kids loved it. We are ready to see another win Sunday.

Congrats to Ken Lolla and his team. Hands down the best athletics team at Akron.


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Took in my first soccer game ever, it was a good time. Crowd was announced at about 2100. We had to stand the whole game. Bleachers were full and there were about 300-400 people standing along the sidelines. Zips dominated the first half but could not score. Second half was about even maybe Michigan played a little better. Zips attacked the whole OT. Fireworks after the game, it was a good showing.

I think the Sunday matchup is the first showing on our new station, ONN.

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