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MAC CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JP Morgan

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First off, that was a great game by both teams. Wolf is one hell of a back....part of me was hoping he would beat Bush's record. Hats off to Hixon, he deserves all the credit for this one, sicker than a dog and he comes in and makes the game winning catch. Getsy played a great game. The O-line gave him all the time in the world. The D held Wolf when they had to. I tell yah, this is one for the ages!

Zips fans represented well. You were loud, you were proud and the AkRowdy's were ROWDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Congrats, Zip fans. Great finish to a miracle season. You guys were dead more times than I can count this year, but you are the last ones standing. Well done. Good luck at the MCB.

(And don't listen to any bullshit about attendance. It's the ball games that count. Attendance smack is the last refuge of the losers.)

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The stars aligned for the Zippers in every way possible this season. The MAC Sucked. Akron upset two decent teams forced to play with back-up QB's.

The MAC Champs lost to Army and Ball State, are you kidding me?

1. If Akron played Miami 10 more times this season they would get drilled 10 times.

2. If they played BG with Omar at QB they would get drilled.

3. If they played NIU with Horvath they would get drilled.

The conference is so jacked up that you can be the MAC Champs and not even be one of the best 3 teams in the confernce.

Toledo, Miami, and BG with Omar crush the Zippers.

The MAC is now the worst DI Conference in the country. The Sun belt is tougher.

Akron has to be the worst MAC Champs in the history of the Conference.

Akron fell in shit all year and came out smelling like roses.

And yes, I am a hater!

Reading this stuff is almost as good as winning! :rofl:

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Before you idiots start anointing "coach" JB as the second coming of Bear Bryant, just remember he is still playing with Coach Owens' recruits.

You know what would be a wonderful gesture? Regardless of what ANYONE thinks, Coach Brookhart should invite coach Owens to stand on the sideline with the team at the Motor City Bowl. Let's accept the fact that this team was built by Owens, and JD made it into MAC Champions.

Let's go Zips!!! Complete the trifecta: beat Maryland and California. Mahalo to everyone who showed up at Ford Field tonight. Mahalo to everyone headed to the turtle house Saturday. I'll see anybody headed to the Bears' den on Saturday.

Zip in Paradise

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First, congrats to the Zips. They did play a great game and this game and the next will be a major shot in the arm for this program. I do think the past players, coaches and administration have a purpose and whether anyone else believes it played some kind of role in this event.

Good lluck in the Motor City Bowl against whomever.

Now to the hater....crawl back in the hole you came in from. You were not born, a crow shit you on a stump and the sun hatched you. If you cannot say something at least congratulative, keep your friggin mouth shut and post next week. Maybe you are LO or a LO lover or maybe a Pukeeye lover or fan.

And to my friend the Padre (Z-P) you had problems with the Huskies against the Zips but tonight i bet you are happier than hell. I know I am . this is for you :


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JP , not interested in any kind of pissing contest but the past does dictate and serve to shape the future.

Tonight is the night to celebrate a MAC chanpionship. Kudos to the players, coaches, trainers, UAM, the administration et al. Bring that trophy home and show it off proudly.

Trico and Herby pulled their MVP player trigger too soon, it should have been Hixon, notwithstanding the almost 300 yds rushing. Hind sight is always 20/20 though.


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Hey douchebag, Akron beat NIU TWICE this season, once with horvath, once without.

MAC Champions: Akron Zips

I still dont believe it. I grew up down the street from the Rubber Bowl and took nothing but crap my entire life from people when they found out I was from Akron, even worse when I said I go to the university.

Maybe it will set in tomorrow


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If they had announced it after the game ended, would their announcement been different? I say yes cause they were besides themselves when Hixon came back in for the last play after showing him on the sidelines on his back. Just pulled the trigger too quickly is all .


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You are a perfect example of exactly what is wrong with the Zippers' fans. Heaven forbid you miss a class at that highly esteemed educational institution.

I hope you did some learnin in that class you had tonight.


unlike the average college student, athletes aren't allowed to skip class, and if it wasn't for my match this weekend, i'd be in maryland cheering on yet another zip team that is going to win. SUCKA! all the shit you say doesn't change the fact that you're an asshole and the zips won!

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you still talking?

it is a sport, and you can't provide a proper argument to counter. don't bother trying...chances are you don't even understand what we do, and you'll come up with some lame "all you do is shoot rifles"

please, don't hurt yourself by trying to think something up

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