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Check out this Can't Loser!


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Check this out...http://www.ncaabbs.com/forums/mac/phpbb/vi...pic.php?t=30319“I will be at the Buffalo Game right before it starts call my cell phone if your looking for a shirt we can meet at half time or something, the shirts are selling pretty fast lets get rid of the fear the roo bs and lets outshow them with the SCREW THE ROO SHIRTS†my phone number is 440-915-7599 CaseyHAHAHAHAHHA.... AK-ROWDIES ARE GOING TO ROCK THE MACC ON SATURDAY! :rock: :macc: So when does Can't get a football program? :screwks:

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screw them. we have the best slogan on it's own. we don't need to even mention that shithole on our t-shirts. fear the roo. that's it
Did anyone see that sorry excuse for an ad in the Beacon on Sunday. Ouch! That was, without question, the most juvenile, unprofessional ad I have EVER seen in a paper. Can't sure makes UAM look good!
I agree with ftbr. They're just yellow (like their uni's) with envy at our success. As for UAM, he looks good regardless what k ent does.
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