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Anyone else a little puzzled by Holmes' playing time over the last 2 games. Only played 31 minutes last night as a starter.

I'm puzzled...

Holmes was definately sick against Ohio State... maybe he is still under the weather a bit. He didn't seem to have much energy in the last 2 games... so Porter pulled him. Hope it's due to being sick.

Nice catch from Barson... if that was you.

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Just looked at their roster and they look like a basketball team. Is this typical? More than 2/3 of their field players are 6'00" or over.

Most teams are bigger than Akron... and every team that we have played at home is bigger. That's easy to see if you snap some pics of the starting linups. I think that this is more due to Ohio and Midwest football (or football mentaility)... if you are big enough... you play football in Ohio... and leave soccer for the little guys.

In California... there's enough of a population that soccer gets some bigger athletes. Look at the Top 100 players every year... and there are a lot of bigger California players. Some end up in the ACC... and some stay in California. Wish we could land a couple every year!

The California teams are all like Cal last year... big guys... and UCSB would have been tall enough too... then they recruited a couple of even taller Germans.

In a video just before the OSU game... Porter was asked if Ohio State and Akron go for the same recruits... and Porter replied that he tends to go for finesse players over physical size.

What about both?

We saw at UCSB that bigger guys can handle the ball sometimes too... as they were just a better team that night... at everything. UCSB tends to be inconsistent at times though... even in their National Championship season. Plus... as ussal... Akron tends to bring out the best in every team.

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