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:zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz: Psssst....Here's a clue.....This is the Zips board. You might want to consider going over to the MacBB if you would like to talk to 10 other people about Can't sports. You would think that the logos, colors and other threads would have been enough to figure it out.Be gone with yourself now, we're bored with the show and your lack of class. :zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz:
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My thinknig exactly Z Pouch, but then the humanitarian side of me said maybe it will do us all good to reach out to Gates. It is very nice a site is provided for him here to post his comments. Think about how it would be if the posters who put this board together didn't -- where we would post. Maybe we should think of Gates as that cat that lived in the neighborhood by your house in college -- you didn't let him in the house, but you felt bad for him and left food out. Gates can be our alley cat.

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My thinknig exactly Z Pouch, but then the humanitarian side of me said maybe it will do us all good to reach out to Gates.  It is very nice a site is provided for him here to post his comments.  Think about how it would be if the posters who put this board together didn't -- where we would post.  Maybe we should think of Gates as that cat that lived in the neighborhood by your house in college -- you didn't let him in the house, but you felt bad for him and left food out.  Gates can be our alley cat.
Good point. Maybe the mods could change his name automatically to Alley Cat. It's sad not to have a real home and more then a handful of people interested in talking about your teams. Alley Cat.......Any other suggestions for our new found homeless friend ?
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what the hell. assholio is just that, but it's a free country. he does get us fired up. just think how boring it would be if we all had the same opinion on everything. he sucks and Can't sucks but this isn't a place where if someone doesn't agree with someone else they're considered "un-american". oh wait, yes it is. nevermind :screwks:

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yeah, like if you don't agree if every hair brained, stupid, backward idea from the filthy stinking libs (demoncats) you are considered unamerican - as in, you are only allowed to have your own opinion as long as it fits theirs.but back to the basketball board... if you would have all just let him post without responding, the post would've gone away. just ignore him (quit feeding the alley can't and he'll go away).

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yeah, like if you don't agree if every hair brained, stupid, backward idea from the filthy stinking libs (demoncats) you are considered unamerican - as in, you are only allowed to have your own opinion as long as it fits theirs.
Whew! For a second there I was afraid no one would make a make a divisive, antagonistic, unrelated political statement.Sincerely, A "Demoncrat" Zip fan who probably deserves to be called filthy and stinking for my beliefs in the course of talking/reading about Zip Basketball.
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