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Poor Can't fan...

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I was cruising over to the Can't page for some humor and one of the Can't faithful posted this. Several Zips fans have already called her out though as to their stupidity. I guess Can't fan doesn't understand the concept of a rival or rivalry. There answers on the board are constantly that Akron has an inferiority complex about Can't or we obsess constantly about them on the Macbbs board. I can see and fully understand the concept of the TRI-C education now in Portage County.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Akron’s motivation for hating Can't State can be summed up in two words: inferiority complex. Despite the University of Akron’s major capital expansion in recent years, UA’s academic reputation is still inferior to Can't State according to U.S. News & World Report and other major publications. According to U.S. News & World Report, Akron’s academic reputation or peer assessment score (5.0=highest) is only 2.2 compared to Can't’s score of 2.6. This is why Can't State claims to be “Northeastern Ohio’s premier public university.†Akron’s claim can only be that it is better than Cleveland State (but not by much). Regardless of whether you agree with U.S. News & World Report’s academic reputation score of Can't (2.6), Akron (2.2), and Cleveland State (2.1), most everyone can agree that both Akron and Can't have some excellent programs. For example, The University of Akron’s polymer science and engineering program is ranked second in the United States and serves Ohio’s $22 billion polymer industry and includes a NASA-supported nanotechnology initiative. Can't State University’s liquid crystal institute has an international reputation for research in optics and chemical physics. But despite Akron’s excellent reputation in polymer science, the university still has an identity problem compared to Can't State. Relative to other MAC schools, Akron’s graduation rate of its athletes is the lowest in the conference. Another reason for Akron’s sense of inferiority is its setting. Although I have always thought that UA’s campus was nice and well maintained, the city of Akron is extremely depressing and has to contribute to the universities’ inferiority complex. There may be other reasons why Akron feels inferior to Can't but the point that I want to make is Can't posters should refrain from responding to frustrated Zip fans on our board. Please recognize what motivates them and have empathy for their plight.

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What else would one expect from a Can't State student?...Although unfortunate, the numbers (that were described) are accurate. However, this person forgot to mention our #6 ranked I/O Psychology program, all our recent MAC Championships, and our #2 ranked wireless computer network. UA also graduates the highest number of chemistry PhD's in the state, is very well respected in all fields of engineering, and has one of the most beautiful URBAN campuses in the country with a REC center and field house that are generally regarded as the most elite facilities anywhere.The reputational score from US News and World Report is something that takes a long time to change although I have no doubt that in the near future, UA will be regarded as superior to Can't based on such methodology!I have felt the need to defend UA as an entire institution from these Can't savages although this forum is for sports related items where we are clearly superior! :screwks: :macc:

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I would expect nothing less from Tri-C (Can't Community College)!I toured Can't State when I was choosing colleges. I was so unimpressed with the people and the campus that it was a done deal for me. I was accepted there, but chose not to go.Has anyone Can't visited our campus?? That is what a college looks like. Granted, in the past it resembled more of a downtown city, but over the last decade plus we have invested MILLIONS into renovations and a ton of new buildings. If you look at Can't State, it is obviousl by the architecture when their last expansion was....1960's and 1970's!! Except for their recreation center, that's it!!! They keep raising tuition (another 6% hike just announced!), but where does it go??!! Vintage is good in fine wine, not in Can't State! :screwks: :macc:

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TELL ME YOU'RE KIDDING!!!!!! K ENT STATE HAS A CAMPUS!!!! AKRON IS A DIRTY, DISGUSTING CITY. WE LAUGHED AT AKRON WHEN WE VISITED THE "CAMPUS" THERE. And the girls are all fat and ugly. The FOX Sports guys were instructed to quit showing the student section Saturday because the average weight of a "Rowdy" was 300 pounds. Your student section looks like a plastic surgeon's waiting room. UGH!!!

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TELL ME YOU'RE KIDDING!!!!!! K ENT STATE HAS A CAMPUS!!!! AKRON IS A DIRTY, DISGUSTING CITY. WE LAUGHED AT AKRON WHEN WE VISITED THE "CAMPUS" THERE. And the girls are all fat and ugly. The FOX Sports guys were instructed to quit showing the student section Saturday because the average weight of a "Rowdy" was 300 pounds.Your student section looks like a plastic surgeon's waiting room. UGH!!!
Thanks for posting. :screwks:
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When considering Akron's programs - people leave out the Law school. Jurist Magazine which actually uses identifiable facts about a school (unlike US News and World Report) rated it #1 two years ago and #2 last year. Using US News and World Report as your definitive source for education shows your ignorance Can't fan. US News and World Report is based on opinions. Opinions often of schools the people being polled often know nothing about. The real proof of this is in the pudding. Often on US News and World Report rankings schools as well as hospitals often receive many votes for programs they don't even have at their school. Truth be told I've never like Can't for anything. I visited and didn't care for any of it. I appreciate their enthusiasm for their school, but I happily compare Akron to any school in Ohio.

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Hell while we are at it, the last I heard the School of Business held the same level of accredidation (sp?) as the Harvard Business School.Oh, thanks for reminding us that you are an ingnorant ASS A$$holio. I really have no idea what you are talking about when you compare campuses. Maybe 15-20 years ago, but our campus is nothing like a dirty downtown. And you don't need to hitch up a haywagon to get from one end to the next!!GO back in your hole.

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