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Akron Merchandising "Problems"

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Well folks, now that UAM has moved on to what he considers a bigger and brighter future, we can try and suggest how the department can build upon what legacy he and MT left behind.The bone I have to pick with the university has to do with what Mike described to me as the "competition" between various departments and institutions at the university for sales of university licensed merchandise. There is no single location a person can go to to see all the university logo merchandise available for sale. There's one supply of "stuff' at the Zips Team Shop in the JAR Arena. The GoZips website has a supply. There's a catalog of merchandise available through the Alumni Relations Office. There's another separate selection at the Barnes and Noble owned bookstore. I guess there's another bookstore elsewhere. There're local sporting goods stores where you can find items unavailable anywhere else (see the similar thread on the "basketball" heading), and there are national chain stores like the "Lids" outlets that sell caps never seen before.In discussing this situation, I was told that because of rivalries between groups on campus, the "official" athletic department sales through the website and JAR shop were unable to offer for sale many of the products sold by other outlets because they didn't want to upset the applecart by which those university departments and outside contractors make profits, and extra income. And -- for the flimsiest of reasons -- the "official" university outlet decided they didn't want to sell T-Shirts for the first Division 1 bowl game in UA history. For a while, the only place to get "Fear the Roo!" shirts and "stuff" was through the bookstore, but it was awfully hard for people out of town to purchase anything from that store. For the life of me I cannot figure out why this situation must exist. I wonder if the Buchtel Hall administration is aware of this. Why can't they make it as simple as possible for consumers, both in person and on-line to buy all the items the university licenses through one single outlet, both brick and mortar and internet? I challenge the University of Akron to remedy this problem to the benefit of all concerned. Why do there have to be rivalries over sale of merchandise -- especially by separate offices within the university proper? Don't they all work for the students, alumni and community? Yes -- there's plenty of room for improvement, and to build on the fine foundation left by the Mike Thomas ohana. So let's Just Roo it! (should I copyright that, like "Fear the Roo!"?)Go Zips! :macc:

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Excellent point Z.I.P. Probably the best way to advertise your school (you actually MAKE money for advertising your product) and it appears there isn't a well defined direction. There are some advantages to having individual departments selling their merchandise though. I would set it up this way.I believe Buchtel Hall should set up guidelines that everyone must follow if you are going to sell Akron Merchandise. I would break things up into two areas:Athletic Dept. Sales - Since the AD has the it's own contracts (Addidas) and probably the largest sales of any dept., they should control their own destiny. I don't think that individual teams should be able to sell their own stuff. The athletic dept. should be in charge and should manage and distribute all the money. But this also means they should offer merchandise for every team (even the Rifle Team).Non-athletic sales - I think that one office should be incharge of non-athletic sales. This would include all department sales and registered student groups. If you wanted something made up, you should be able to go through this department so that everything is consistent and you would probably be able to get the best deal. Again, this office would distribute the funds according to sales. It shouldn't be too restrictive, we want small groups to be able to easily get merchandise made. I also LOVE the "Just Roo It!" concept, but I doubt Addidas does.

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