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CHHS closing

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(Warning: Boring and irrelevant if you are not from the Akron area. Still boring even if you are).Thanks, UA fan, for posting this. To me it's big news. Since I no longer live in the area, Akron news that would be interesting to me only gets to me accidentally (like this).I grew up going to Central-Hower cluster schools and while I ultimately attended/graduated from North, I almost transferred to Central-Hower about 8 times because of their broadcast journalism vocational program. But it always still be the flagship high school of Akron to me....it never was in any real sense, but given the amount of friends and family I have who went there, and its approximation to downtown, it still felt like it to me.They had truly abhorrent football programs for most of their existence, but if IIRC they won as state championship in boys' basketball in the 80's. I know they went very deep in the tournament if they didn't. My cousin was a student there at the time, and even then, they were always hearing stories about UA's perpetual interest in buying CH from the city. It didn't start with Proenza.Sad, if for no other reasons than nostalgia.

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http://www.ohio.com/mld/ohio/living/14663071.htmThis was the ABJ article that came to my email (I have a Google newsalert set for "university of akron") which was the first I knew of CH closing. But I am also out of the area and may have missed earlier articles or posts. I would think APS could sell it for mucho pesos to UA, find some temp-space elsewhere and pocket the difference. I'm sure the U would borrow, tap the endowment, or whatever they had to do to acquire the property as it would also give them some extra space while they continue renovating/eliminating other old campus buildings. Anyone up for Western Civ at Central-Hower Hall?
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It was in the news in 2005 which schools Akron Public Schoosl would be closing. It was also on their website.It hasn't been a secret, and I'm sure the University has known about it. They may have already moved on plans to aquire it.

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the university wanted to buy it a few years ago but from what i hear, the school board wanted $5 million more than the university was offering. turns out that the school board should've sold it then. now they'll be lucky to get what the university originally offered. another example of mismanagement by the akron public schools.

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