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The "New" Facebook


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What does everyone think? It's a little much to me...lol
Human nature, hate the change and hate to learn how to use new things and if it ain't broke, don't fix it etc...I was a little overwhlemed too, but I think that i will like it when i get used to it.
I'm usually all about change and new things...but does everyone really need to know my every move? lol
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on one side i like the fact i can see who adds new photos and stuff, but on the other side i hate the fact that everyone else can see when i do it too. i also hate that minifeed thing on my own page.BUT i was looking on the help file and if you go to your "mini feed" you can delete those stories and no one else can see them either. also, if you have restricted someone's access of your profile, than mini feed will be restricted if it's set that way.

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