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Akron Beacon Journal


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Don't worry zip fans, the new management continues business as usual. There was no mention of the Zips game today on the front page. High school scores and Barberton vs. Firestone teaser. Go to the sports page and they mention the zips! There is one sentence on the lower right side under the k-ent st sentence. Look very carefully, it's hard to see. Go to the college page and you will find the write up directly under the k-ent st. article. As you may imagine, the k-ent article includes a picture of their running back. They certainly know their market. The pick NC St. 24 Akron 17

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I have been disappointed with the coverage ABJ gives Akron. They don't have any problem rubbing the universities face in the dirt when there is something that goes wrong. I am not renewing my supscription after this year. What's the point, we can't get any support from ABJ, I don't mind reading about the Suckeyes but one article is enough. Alls I want is even coverage, I think that is fair to ask since ABJ is within walking distance to UA. I understand Columbus State getting extra coverage this week playing Texas, but come on, did they really need 3 articles the day after they beat NIU? Akron has over 80,000 alumni in the ABJ direct market and the coverage is still horrible. This alumus has had enough. Bye Bye ABJ!!ABJ = :puke:

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Cancelled my subscription long ago. Do read the business section on-line and blow throught the sports to humor myself with the hope of finding anything to read. Pathetic. I know, I know, enough :john: bashing but playing an ACC school and not get a mention on the front of the sports section AND below Can't coverage elsewhere? I hope they continue to die a slow death ... :gun:

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A HUGE upset for our program, and I bet we'll be on the 2nd page tomorrow. One article for Akron, and 10 for OSU.
It will be interesting to see how the "Special to the Leaking Urinal" article reads tomorrow ... good luck finding the friggin' thing for those of you who read the print version. Maybe they'll embellish the "Special to ..." with a few choice pickings from "wire reports." Way to go ZIPS!
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Not that it's going to help but I thought French mentioned that DLM was at the game. I still dont believe it, the Beacon never sends reporters on the road with the Zips. This win deserves some coverage but I'm prepared not to be dissappointed.......just dont put us underneath Can't. Isn't it sad how low the expectations of the Beacon have become ?

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