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Does Akron care enough?

Balki Bartokomous

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Dear sgm, (or shall I say Steve?)I understand you like OSU and enjoy cheering for them, but please understand that this is a Univiersity of Akron fansite. Negative things are going to be said about Akron's competition. A lot of my comments are from you and I going back and forth over this. Understand that I feel strongly that OSU is one of Akron's competitors and that I will treat them as such.If Akron keeps winning and builds a winning tradition, there will be more converts like myself and you'll see an increase in OSU haters.Imagine if someone was defending every negative thing said about Can't. It wouldn't go very well with a lot of people on here. I'm sorry if any negative things said about OSU offends you, I'm sorry if any negative things said about Can't offends KentZip, and I'm sorry if any negative thing about any other school offends that person like the ToledoRocket guy. Toledo is my 2nd favorite school and was the school I picked over Akron to go to but didn't because of the situation i was in, gf and such, but I'm very happy with how things turned out. I'm proud to be a Zip and would rather be a Zip. But you don't see me defending every negative thing said about Toledo, nor will you.Please remember, this is competition and negative things about your competitors will be said. I would rather not fight over who we watch on the big TV (Akron or OSU) with a fellow Zips fan.BobbyAke
The biggest flaws is your line of thought:Can't State is our rival. Ohio State is not. We play Can't and Toledo every year and are in the same conference as them. We play OSU every couple years (if that) and are in different conferences.About the only thing Akron and Ohio State have to do with each other is that they're both Ohio schools.
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About the only thing Akron and Ohio State have to do with each other is that they're both Ohio schools.
You have yet to prove they don't compete. They play each other almost every year in soccer. Akron competes with them every year with trying to get local high school students to chose Akron instead of OSU. Akron competes with OSU in the ABJ. Akron competes with OSU in Academics. Akron competes with OSU for media attention. Akron competes with OSU for fan support. Akron competes with OSU for recruits in basketball, football, soccer, baseball, track, volleyball, etc.Can you tell me that everything above is wrong??? That we don't compete at all???sgm405, wake up and realize Akron and OSU do compete in multiple ways. If you don't believe me, ask Louis Proenza, ask Mack Rhoads, Ask anyone that works for the University of Akron administration.. If they tell you that Akron and OSU don't compete, I'll never say a negative word about OSU again.
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About the only thing Akron and Ohio State have to do with each other is that they're both Ohio schools.
You have yet to prove they don't compete. They play each other almost every year in soccer. Akron competes with them every year with trying to get local high school students to chose Akron instead of OSU. Akron competes with OSU in the ABJ. Akron competes with OSU in Academics. Akron competes with OSU for media attention. Akron competes with OSU for fan support. Akron competes with OSU for recruits in basketball, football, soccer, baseball, track, volleyball, etc.Can you tell me that everything above is wrong??? That we don't compete at all???sgm405, wake up and realize Akron and OSU do compete in multiple ways. If you don't believe me, ask Louis Proenza, ask Mack Rhoads, Ask anyone that works for the University of Akron administration.. If they tell you that Akron and OSU don't compete, I'll never say a negative word about OSU again.
Is it that myself and others haven't provne anything, or is it that you ignore the best arguments? BuckZip posted this in another thread and basically summed things up. (Nobody responded to it by the way)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have tried to stay out of this thread, as I refuse to get into this stuff.However, I follow recruiting very closely not just for Akron, but for the major players out there.OSU does not, I repeat does not compete with Akron for recruits, except for rare occasions. Akron has 2 players, that I know of, on their roster that OSU wanted. Carlton Jackson, and Dennis Kennedy. Neither of them made the grades to play for OSU. This is something I know as a fact. If you ask either of these guys, they wanted to be Buckeyes. I am not saying they aren't happy at Akron, I am just saying they wanted to be Buckeyes.OSU competes with Michigan, Notre Dame, Penn State, USC, the Florida Schools, Oklahome, Tennesee,etc.When I say compete, I don't mean they have the guy listed with interest at Scout or Rivals. I mean actually having offers. Each team is allowed to offer so many scholarships, and have so many official visits. The bigger schools sare very selective of who they offer and invite for official visits.Sure, Akron will offer guys that OSU offered, but very rarely will you see someone offered by OSU choose Akron.If they are offered by OSU, they are probably receiving a lot of high profile offers. These guys will not choose Akron. I wish they did, but they won't.OSU doesn't get all of the best players in the state. Many, many go out of state to other major programs. They aren't signing with MAC teams.I look at so many guys that go to the big schools, and think wow, if they would have come to Akron they would be starting. Meanwhile they are sitting on the bench somewhere else never being given the chance.I would love to see a time where a bunch of recruits get together from N.E. Ohio and say we are all going to Akron. Let's put them on the map. Get s couple great recruiting classes in a row, then you start winning, then you keep getting better recruits, and it is a domino affect.Unfortunately, the only top rated players that sign with Akron, aren't offered by the other schools becaue of academics. The bigger schools don't take as many at risk students as Akron will. Just look at this past recrutiing class. The only top player in the class to qualify was Harvey. Stoudemire, Smith, Boone, Henderson, Jackson, the biggest names didn't qualify. If they had the grades, they probably would have been offered by the bigger schools. Sad but true.I am an Akron grad, and I grew up in Akron,. To me, I would have loved to play for my hometown team. However, most high school kids don't have an allegiance like that unless it is to the team on TV every week. That is OSU. If you don't have a favorite, and have a choice of playing int he piece of crap Rubber Bowl in front of 15000 people, or Ohio stadium in front of over 100,000 people, where would you go?I know the homers will think I am full of crap. So go to scout.com or rivals.com and look at top rated players, and offers. Look for players just from Ohio. Their are tons that OSU didn't offer, but they will be going to other major programs. They won't look at Akron at all. It is very depressing, but it is fact.Remember Miami, FL was nothing until the mid 80's when Schnellenberger became coach and started turning them around.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now that's football. Akron does compete with OSU in academics - along with every other school in the United States. Akron also competes with them in soccer, volleyball, track, and baseball, but for some reason I don't think you are so anti-Buckeye because of those matchups. As for media attention and fan attention, you might as well get used to the Buckeyes receiving that. OSU is going to have a great football team almost every year...national title contenders. The attention they receive isn't going to change. The only thing that can change is the attention the Zips receive and the only way to do that is by winnng, winning, and winning some more. Again...nothing to do with OSU.I'll leave you Buckeye-Haters with two things to think about. First, if one of your main reasons for hating OSU is because they always receieve attention, then why provide them with more? Why always worry about what them or their fans are doing? Why bring them into the picture? By doing that, you're actually giivng them more attention without even realizing it. Second, if you truly want to "convert" people into becoming Akron fans, the way to do it is not by bashing OSU and their fans. The way to do it is to bring up all of the positives our school/programs have to offer, and to make them feel like a welcome addition.
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As Akron continues to win, it's going to create more and more OSU haters.I've never once just been anti OSU football. I've been anti OSU everything. Go way back to my comments during basketball season. I'm anti OSU all around. :thumb:
As Akron continues to win, I hope students focus more on themselves than worrying about other schools.
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