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How do you become a true mid-major powerhouse?

Ryno aka Menace

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To me the MAC is a funny conference, teams in the past have show great promise, won big games and then slid back down to either mediocracy or the cellar. For example BGSU, Toledo, and Miami of Ohio, Traditionally pretty good football teams. Ten years ago Eastern Michigan and NIU were very good as well.Click here for story detailsNow it appears to be Akron's time for greatness (As long as things continue as they are, which we all hope it does). With that being said, How do we maintain or exceed our current greatness? How do we acheive some level of consistency like a Boise St, Virginia Tech, or Kansas State? How did Gonzaga do it in Basketball? Can it be done? When you have factors like Ohio State, The MAC Conference, and the Big Ten. Why hasn't Cinci done it yet?I think the answer lies in gettting into a bigger conference. And the only way to get into a bigger conference is to win consistenly. Now if we use that line of logic....why hasn't it worked for BGSU or Toledo or Miami? Did they miss their opportunity to jump ship into a bigger conference? Do Marshall and Central Florida also share this line of thinking, and decided to take lumps now for a chance for a bigger future? (personally I feel it was a lateral move at best going to Conference USA but oh well). We have touched on this subject in the past but never really got into it.I am just curious about some of your opinions out there.....

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I think the answer is simple.Mid-Major teams that scratch at momentary greatness only capture the interest of sports writers and the top teir sports fans (you know, the ones who actually follow all sports teams, not just the hometown or the front runners), but are still obscure to the overall consciousness in the rest of sports, and the greater culture.A team has to have a true "cinderella story". A number#1 BCS rank and a national championchip game, not just being happy with #18 for a few weeks and falling off.Winning March madness, not just a final4 appearence and loss, which wins the hearts of local media, and might get you a few stories on ESPN.How about this:Beating Penn State, NC state, and going undefeated in the MAC?These are things that get you noticed everywhere, and your reputation sticks.

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Excellent topic Ryno. I'll give my short answer followed by some details.Short answer: You become a more powerful mid-major by consistently winning in all sports in a conference that on the whole becomes more competitive over time. There is absolutely no reason to jump conferences, especially in football, for Akron to become a premier program.Limiting the discussion to football only, the MAC as a whole has become much more competitive with BCS conferences over the last half dozen years. There is no reason to assume that this trend will not continue. On a TV basis alone, the MAC has gained a lot of national exposure over the last few years. You improve by continuing these trends and improving your shortcomings.The number one thing that is holding us back from advancing (whether you are talking about staying in the MAC or jumping conferences) is our fan base. We graduate approximately 15,000 students per year and we have football season ticket sales of 2,500. That is embarassing. I know, it's the Rubber Bowl. We have got to stop leaning on that crutch and start facing reality. Our dedicated football fan base is puny in comparison to the product that is being put on the field. How in God's name do we make the jump from missing league attendance standards to a "better" conference with 2,500 season ticket holders? Not going to happen in my lifetime. The assumption is also being made by some posters here that people will flock to a new facility and immediately sell it out consistently. I disagree. There will be a bump in attendance because of the new facility, no argument. We saw it when Jacob's field opened. You have to have more though. Ask the Indians this year.If this all sounds like a downer, it wasn't meant to be. I look forward to watching the Zips dominate a strong MAC for the rest of my life. Go Zips! :champs:

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Great topic... did anyone see my post a week or two ago with the article on Louisville? Very instructive.Akron can win the MAC every year straight for a decade and still only be attracting 20,000 fans per game. NEO is an NFL market with extraordinarily tight ties to Ohio State (inexplicable to me, particularly with the benefit of not living in the market now).Given the market dynamics, I think Akron needs to do more than consistently beating teams that no one really cares about and that have no BCS context. Does anyone disagree with the notion that Akron can absolutely dominate the MAC and still not consistently sell-out the Rubber Bowl? To get to a fan base that supports an average of 40K per game (which is about what Louisville is at now and is probably about where we would need to be go generate the funds required to be a mid-major that consistently has a shot of being top 20 and in great years BCS eligible), we need to be playing and beating BCS schools at home consistently. I just think that it is the reality of the market that a scalable base of fans will not be generated by owning the MAC.

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NE Ohio is a great sports market. I don't feel that Cleveland Browns or Ohio State really affect UA as much as many want to believe they do.Other than true fans, people will only go see a consistent winner. The only exception I know of this is the Browns. They suck and still sell out.The Indians are a perfect example. When they started winning, they sold out every game. Now they are garbage again, and don't draw nearly as well.UA needs to win consistently. We are all excited about going to a bowl game last year, but we were still only 1 game over 500. If we start having consistent 8-3, 9-2 type seasons, I think many people will be surprised how much the team will be supported. The other problem, as we all know, is the Rubber Bowl. I am a true fan, and I hate going to that place. There are plenty of sports fans in this market that would support the Zips if they were given a reason to do it.

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One problem that I think we'll have in dominating the MAC consistently is obtaining solid recruits year in and out. It seems to me that Ohio has more div IA schools than most states thus much more competition. Oh course OSU gets first dibs on top recruits then Akron, Cinci., Miami, BGSU, Tol., Ohio, and if you count it as Div. IA, Can't. Also, Pit., Marshal and a number of other big schools near the Ohio border to compete with. Certainly, Ohio is high profile and a number of programs come here and cherry pick our prospects as well. However, with new training facility and new stadium, perhaps we have more to offer.I believe Akron can build a large fan base quickly. In the recent past we were almost exclusively a commuter school, and now more students are living on campus that will likely generate greater student attendence at games. Athough I'm now out of the area, I believe a higher majority of Akron students will stay in the area after graduation. If those students attend games while at school, may likely return afterwards. Anyhow, thats my rant. Beat Can't.

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One problem that I think we'll have in dominating the MAC consistently is obtaining solid recruits year in and out.  It seems to me that Ohio has more div IA schools than most states thus much more competition.  Oh course OSU gets first dibs on top recruits then Akron, Cinci., Miami, BGSU, Tol., Ohio, and if you count it as Div. IA, Can't.  Also, Pit., Marshal and a number of other big schools near the Ohio border to compete with.  Certainly, Ohio is high profile and a number of programs come here and cherry pick our prospects as well.  However, with new training facility and new stadium, perhaps we have more to offer.
If this is true then achieving an Ohio State like status will never be achieved.....it is like a vicious cycle that some feel will never be broken..OSU always gets the best recruits then the rest is divided amongst the lowly MAC.
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One problem that I think we'll have in dominating the MAC consistently is obtaining solid recruits year in and out.  It seems to me that Ohio has more div IA schools than most states thus much more competition.  Oh course OSU gets first dibs on top recruits then Akron, Cinci., Miami, BGSU, Tol., Ohio, and if you count it as Div. IA, Can't.  Also, Pit., Marshal and a number of other big schools near the Ohio border to compete with.  Certainly, Ohio is high profile and a number of programs come here and cherry pick our prospects as well.  However, with new training facility and new stadium, perhaps we have more to offer.
If this is true then achieving an Ohio State like status will never be achieved.....it is like a vicious cycle that some feel will never be broken..OSU always gets the best recruits then the rest is divided amongst the lowly MAC.
I somewhat disagree. Other major programs recruit Ohio hard. Ohio is a very talent rich state.The entire nation recruits Ohio. OSU gets most, not all, of the best players. Other schools like, ND, Michigan, USC get some too. Akron could be a top tier mid major by just getting the leftovers of what the elite teams don't want. If we consistently beat BG, Cincy, Ohio, Miami, and Pitt for recruits, we will be a very good program.
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