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NC State Beats another ranked team

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"That Crackron education is really paying off for you. Your reasoning skills are one notch above 5th grade. Go back to your trailor park!"yes, because akron has soooooo many trailor parks. Oh look at me, i'll insult them by saying they don't have a 6th grade education and that they live in trailor parks. ass hat.you're a toledo bitch. shouldn't you be spending less time on this board and more time, oh i don't know, starting a race riot or joining the Taliban. Isn't that what Toledo is all about?

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And, not to split hairs, but it is, "...couldn't care less", not, "...could care less."
Why are you jumping to conclusions? If zipsbandman cares to any degree at all about tradition, it is possible to care less. If ZPM does not care at all (Zero), than it is impossible to care less. There is no caring less then Zero, it is impossible to care less than that amount. Let me put it to you in terms you can probably relate: Toledo Rockets couldn't have less sex. This means that you don't have any sex and therefore can not have less sex than not having sex at all. :wall: For the Zips fan: We could have less sex because We are getting laid all the time and therefore have some action to spare. :rolltide: You bore me with you subpar intellect. B)
That Crackron education is really paying off for you. Your reasoning skills are one notch above 5th grade. Go back to your trailor park!You guys crack me up on this board. 10 months ago you are spouting off about sold out stadiums, Big East, national rankings, etc.. I told you not to put the cart before the horse and to be realistic. Now, you guys are seeing that it takes much more than one 7-6 season to build something.Can't wait for you guys to come to the Glass Bowl!Toledo 36CrAkron 14End of season records:Toledo 11-3CrAkron 4-8Average Attendance:Toledo 22,435CrAkron 14,781
Don't like the dildo jokes pocketrocket? How's my spelling by the way?
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