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Point taken. I will defend myself in say that the "airball" chant was not my idea, it came from the VP and it happened, but I will also ask what would have not wasted your beloved time. Sure the "Dials" and "Romeo" chant didn't need to be reviewed much either but being on the same PAGE means that come next Saturday not 6 or 12 or 50 members keep that chant going and make the ROWDIES sound bad. ok there are also chants that were new that needed to be gone over. I am sorry that we wasted your time but I really wish that yyou wouldn't speak for a group or for half of the people there but for yourself and yourself alone. So anyway all I am asking for is a little respect and if you have an issue with what comes up at meetings come to our board meetings and suggests things there. Instead of going on Zipsnation and talking where not a lot of people/board members go on, that's not fair to us. And as JAY said before and I will say again We Are a NEW organization and post behind our backs doesn't help anyone.its midnight and Can't STATE STILL SUCKS!!
A few general responses...TO QUICKANDZIP:- I didn't go behind anyone's back with my post. I know many of the leaders post on Zipsnation, and I know that the heart of the Zips student section resides right here on this forum...that's why I wrote what I wrote, because I knew it'd reach you guys. I know you're saying this to try to make me out to be the bad guy, but there's a big difference between constructive criticism and going behind someone's back. Going behind someone's back would be if I criticized the group and said nothing to you guys...here I am though, coming to you and the rest of Zipsnation (the best Akron fans) with my feelings on the group, trying to help you guys get even better. - I'm sorry, I just don't see how practicing the chants is going to do anything with keeping everyone on the same page. When Romeo scores, we do the Romeo chant. The veterans in the crowd will do it anyways, the new members will echo it...it's not brain surgery. - I say I am speaking for others because many that were there that don't have an account said the same things. TO BLEACHER BUM:I'm glad you see my point, and I think we're closer to being on the same page than we might realize. I like the "special chants"...I really do. It just seems like at times we are trying to plan to do 6 or 7 of these, instead of just sticking with one or two.
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WHO CARES ABOUT THE OZONE...after this year they will be complimenting the ROWDIES and not themselves yes they are good but WE WILL BE BETTER!!!!!GO ZIPSI HATE Can't, AND NOW OU!!BE LOUD is a good call by the way!Cute cheers can work though if there is practice. Which we did start on Monday, and agian I didn't say to practice some of the cheers I was just on a roll.

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