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Dambrot's Realism will take Zips to top!


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A refreshing quality in Keith Dambrot is his utter self-honesty. It had to be painful for him to tell Steve French that the WSSU game has been the worst of his 3 year stint as head coach. Moreover, he took full responsibility (failure of leadership) and vowed to correct the problem.There is boundless hope for a program that is so completely candid about its strengths and weaknesses and works to make the weaknesses into strengths. As talented as the Zips are, there are a number of more talented teams around. If the Zips are to make a run at a national title, it will have to be on the "extra heart" that a KD lead team will have. Games like the upcoming Illinois-Chicago Circle are measuring sticks of progress. The Nevada game (at home) will be a tell-tale barometer. 2006-2007 Zip basketball prospects are very high. KD does not shrink back from the expectations. He embraces them. He exudes confidence in his players notwithstanding a bad game. This guy and his leadership style grounded in ongoing self-reflecting assessment is a recipe for highly productive results. He demonstrates qualities that are realistic bases for fan optimism. KD is a coach I can support even when things are not going well. It is more problematical to vouch for coaches who apparently do not have a self-repair mechanism in place.

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