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A Random Observation


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This is just a random observation that I thought many of you would enjoy...I work part-time as a substitute teacher for a few different local school districts. Last year as I was doing my student teaching I bought full size candy bars for any student in any of my classes who wore blue, gold, or something Zips on the day of the MAC Title game. That day, I got about 25-30 of them showing the Zips some love. Fast forward to today...With two classes left in the day (I'm on break), I have counted at least 10 (maybe even 15) students wearing Zips gear (on their own! haha). Fear the Roo shirts/hoodies, Akron basketball/soccer shirts, etc...it's all over. The school also has a bulletin board set up with college information - front and center is a Fear the Roo poster, with application information next to it.I think Akron is finally getting positive attention from the young people who will hopefully go on to be future Zips. :rock:

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sgm...I'd like to add to that.I have relatives that live out of state. After we won the MAC Championship last year, some of them were requesting Akron gear for Christmas. And NONE of them are Akron grads.I think most of it has to do with being associated with a winner. Plus, a couple of them liked the logo when they saw us play on tv.The question is.....how long can we continue to ride this new wave of notoriety generated by last year's football championship and bowl game appearance?To this I say..............Come on Men's Basketball !! We Need You !!!

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