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Can't vs toledo


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As long as we take care of business when we play Can't and Toledo it doesn't matter what the outcome is with them tomorrow!  :screwks:  :champs:
I'm with you B and G.However, it is nice to see Toledo play Can't before we have to go out to Toledo. I think it may tell us a little bit more how we will stack up against the Rockets.Too bad we don't play Toledo in the JAR.
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Bleacher Bum, If only you can spark a brawl between the two teams from your seat so they both get few players suspended... that will be sweet !Otherwise, i don't know who to root for... Can't will loose at Ohio and we have a good shot at beating them too. While Toledo will not lose any of their last five games... So i would say i am rooting for KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.....KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK...........................KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK...........................KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK...........................I'm sorry, my tongue just can't say that i am rooting for them.

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Sure, we want to make sure we win the East. But is there really a difference between a 2 seed and a 3 ? They play each other in the semi-finals anyway.I think you really have to shoot for that #1, so that you can play a #4 in the semis. So, I'm hoping for another Toledo loss to still give us the best chance at a #1 seed.

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