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Ranking the teams from Ohio


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So I was Googling around, when I stumbled upon this thread on the Ohio high school forums, which coincidentally has a college forum as well.Most of the people have Akron as the second-best team in Ohio, behind OSU. I was honestly suprised, since Cinci, Dayton, and Xavier are all in Ohio. But hey, the Zips are getting respect and recognition from fans around the state!http://www.jjhuddle.com/discus/messages/398290/506108.php

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Those people who say Cincy is better than the MAC kill me. I am pretty sure Ohio beat them here in Cleveland.Ranking them on play to this point, I'll say: 1) OSU 2) Xavier 3) Toledo (Until Akron beats them, they deserve to be here) 4) Akron 5) Can't 6) Ohio 7) Dayton 8) Wright St. 9) Cincinnati10) Miami11) BGSU12) YSU13) CSU

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Here would be my list:1) OSU2) Xavier3) Akron4) Can't5) Toledo6) Dayton7) Miami8) Ohio9) Wright State10) Cincinnati11) YSU12) BGSU13) CSUI had to look up Wright State and Cincinnati's records because I have not seen much on them. The rest I felt that I had at least a grasp of how they have played.

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