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good luck lady zips


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just got back from the lady zips game and after opening the game down 9-0 the lady zips came back to win the game by one in a game that was pretty evenly officiated. i sat in front of some toledo fans and all they kept complaining about were the calls. i looked back and said hey you complain bout these calls here and we complain bout all the bad calls last night in the mens game so we can call it even. and then the guy said somthing at the end of the game, he said that toledo's womens team are 1-2 against the zips in the last 3 years, and then said they just cant beat the zips, and then he said he can see how our men feel, cuz we cant beat toldeo's. i just chuckled..... and walked away thinking i hope we play them in cleveland, so we can bend them over our knee an beat the $#it out of them lol. and another thing that i find to be pretty pathetic. is how the rowdies (except for a few that i see at every womens game) brag about how good they are compared to other schools, but only 11 of them show up to the womens game everytime...... how bout we come out to the games an support them win or lose!

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and another thing that i find to be pretty pathetic. is how the rowdies (except for a few that i see at every womens game) brag about how good they are compared to other schools, but only 11 of them show up to the womens game everytime...... how bout we come out to the games an support them win or lose!
timmyboy, I would love to have gone to the JAR and cheered on the lady Zips to victory. If I had any choice in the matter, I would go to every home game for men's and women's basketball. If I didn't have to work, i would have been there losing my voice with the 11 AK-Rowdies who showed up. But the fact remains, I wasn't there. I will be there at the next game and scream twice as loud to make up for it. Honestly, there should have been a mandatory meeting at the game to prep for the OU game. Oh, and I never caught the final score; does anybody have it?
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i wasent meaning you uakron. I know you go to all the games when you can. im talking about the rowdies who only go to the big games and dont give 2 cents bout the other games. and anyone else who was there for the national anthem.... man that girl was GREAT, i can not believe she is only in the 5th grade. i say we contact her to do a few more games before the end of the season.

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i wasent meaning you uakron. I know you go to all the games when you can. im talking about the rowdies who only go to the big games and dont give 2 cents bout the other games.
I know, but I always feel that if I am at the game and screaming at the top of my lungs, I can make a difference in the outcome of the game. It may not always be true, but it's a great feeling when you know you have gotten under an opposing player's skin, or when you get a smile from one of the people on the team. Maybe i'm still just a little bummed out over yesterday's loss at Toledo. Nothing I can do about it now, except hope that the men's team learned from it.I think that the lady Zips are turning a corner this season. They are building momentum and could win a game or two in the MAC tourney. In two years this team will be incredible. We are already catching glimpses of greatness from the players. The women's basketball has a chance to be good again for the first time in recent memory. They deserve much more support than they get. They seem to play better when there are actual people in the stands cheering for them.
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and anyone else who was there for the national anthem.... man that girl was GREAT, i can not believe she is only in the 5th grade. i say we contact her to do a few more games before the end of the season.
that girl was awsome!!!my only question is, who's in charch of the lyrics that go across the bored? for one they had question marks in the national anthem "and the home of the brave?" to name one, and second they totally have the lyrics to the Blue and Gold screwd up.
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yeah i seen that, then from like 10 minutes on in the 2nd half they didnt even use the stat board cuz it was malfunctioning i heard the guy say. I think they should bring back the starst up on the jumbotron like they used to have. that made things alot easier, then u could look up an watch the play and see who the foul was on. them stat boards on the wall are nice, but there arent any stats when they mess up... so lets get em put back up on the jumbotron also.

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