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Its great to see the ohio fans turning their backs on the head coach who just a few years ago was a god, because he got them to the Tourney. But now that they lost at akron, everyone wants him to be gone.......... dont worry you poor ohio fans, not many teams have beat us in the JAR in the last 3 years.

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I just miss wearing the rbberized bald caps that resembled huge condoms on orur heads... you can't tell me that's not classic humor! :lol:
That was a great game last year. Toga Night, TOS Bald Heads, and Lucky Charms! And don't forget that Dr. Evil, Mini Me, Chewbacca, and Darth Vader were there too! Plus that game was on the deuce.
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Appalacian U, er OU fans are now calling on...sitting down...Bobby Knight to replace O'Shea.
Sorry guys. I friggin' love Bobby Knight! Especially when he throws chairs! If he went to OU, I may find myself wearing green! Good thing it's never gonna happen!
Bum...that post was more about OU's arrogance to believe he would even consider it.
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Oh, I know. There is no way he's going anywhere. He fits in perfectly at T. Tech and after they beat aTm for the 2nd time of the season last night, he's not going anywhere. But if Akron loses the Bracketbuster to Austin Peay this weekend, I say we fire Dambrot and go after John Wooden. Seriously, the guy's almost 100 now, what's he been doing?

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Appalacian U, er OU fans are now calling on...sitting down...Bobby Knight to replace O'Shea.
Sorry guys. I friggin' love Bobby Knight! Especially when he throws chairs! If he went to OU, I may find myself wearing green! Good thing it's never gonna happen!
Bum...that post was more about OU's arrogance to believe he would even consider it.
It's not that far-fetched. After all, look where he ended up after getting the boot from IU.That said, it's a pretty ludicrous statement.
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