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Does Cant State....


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Does Cant State have a message board like this and bobcatattack.com? if so can someone send the link? id LOVe to see what their saying about the game..... probably somthing along the lines of... The refs were horrible tonight, and how they would beat akron if they had another chance.... oh an dont forget to mention how much they now hate LeBron for supporting his friends and their team lol.

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Does Cant State have a message board like this and bobcatattack.com? if so can someone send the link? id LOVe to see what their saying about the game..... probably somthing along the lines of... The refs were horrible tonight, and how they would beat akron if they had another chance.... oh an dont forget to mention how much they now hate LeBron for supporting his friends and their team lol.
Unbelievable anybody in northeastern Ohio would boo Lebron. He is Cleveland's best shot at a championship. Anyway, going back to topic, Can't State has a bush league message board on MAC bbs. That is their main forum. Nothing like the zipnation.
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Speaking of Can't state....that was a lot of middle fingers. Their response to "Can't State Sucks?"................"F*** You Akron!" Clever fellas! Clever! I know I'm definitely not the classiest fan in MAC basketball, but I've never supported a chant that used the F-word.

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"Speaking of Can't state....that was a lot of middle fingers. Their response to "Can't State Sucks?"................"F*** You Akron!" Clever fellas! Clever! I know I'm definitely not the classiest fan in MAC basketball, but I've never supported a chant that used the F-word."THINK OF THE CHILDREN!! Earmuffs.

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think of the children...... what did you forget that the ones making the gestures and saying the chants were more inmature then most children lol. looks like their parents never put the belt to their behind an taught them some respect ha ha

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As a responsible parent who always tries to make sure our son Kyle never leaves home without his "EARMUFFS!," it was a pleasure to send Laing Kennedy an e-mail this morning voicing my displeasure at what my wife and son had to witness at last night's game ;) Kudos to the Rowdies for holding themselves in check and abiding by the code of conduct when cheering for the Zips at home or on the road (what happens on the bus, stays on the bus). I wonder if the Can't fans will take their class-less act with them on the road to the "Q" in Cleveland? Looking forward to a rematch next Friday night but if Can't is one-and-done on Thursday, I won't shed any tears. :screwks: Go Zips! :cheers:

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.... I wonder if the Can't fans will take their class-less act with them on the road to the "Q" in Cleveland? Looking forward to a rematch next Friday night but if Can't is one-and-done on Thursday, I won't shed any tears.
I for one hope that we don't meet Can't for the third time. My blood pressure is sure to go sky high, cause me to have a heart attack, and make my wife a rich widow, and probably run off with a low life Can't graduate. :screwks::champs::screwks::champs::screwks::champs:
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