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From the Flush Fans message board....


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All this game did was buy the winner 5 days worth of bragging rights. Akron will not lose to us a 3rd time! I give it up for Omni tonight. He didn't get his first foul until the OT. My only question is, where were all the AK-Rowdys? Oh, I forgot, its Sunday. They were probably all studying. .........the above is somthing that was stated in the flushes message board... but let me point somthing out an see if it only doesnt make sence to me, or if anyone else is confused by the statement..."Akron will not lose to us a 3rd time"! can someone explain what this means to me, in case i am missing the point and if i am, i will only blame it on the fact that im up at 1:11 and im pumped over sweeping the flushes lol.

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I looked up the university of Cant State in the college directory and it said.... Home of the most classless, unsportsmen like fans an players in the MAC, possibly nation :) but it doesnt matter how classless they were cuz akron walked out of the MACC center with the win ha ha im loving this :):cheers:

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