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Rowides vs. C.A.N.T Students

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Liang Kennedy(sp?) was standing next to the Can't State student section when the fingers started flying and when they started doing the F*** Akron chant. I don't know if he yelled at them or simply ignored them, although considering his position I would expect him to have told the students to stop. I know that if the AK-Rowdies did that in the JAR, we would be banished to the rafters.

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the faculty at Can't is a joke...... they more then likely didnt say a thing to them. I had a relative at the game with his son ( who is 6) and he said that the chant F*ck you akron could be heard clear as anything so he wasent to happy bout that.

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The whole F U Akron chant was a joke in itself. They cant come up with anything better than that? Oh wait i forgot we are talking about Cant State here. But seriously where were their cheers? they had what 2-3 and that was it. Also do they even know the words to their own schools fight song?

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Liang Kennedy(sp?) was standing next to the Can't State student section when the fingers started flying and when they started doing the F*** Akron chant. I don't know if he yelled at them or simply ignored them, although considering his position I would expect him to have told the students to stop. I know that if the AK-Rowdies did that in the JAR, we would be banished to the rafters.
According the the flushes on the MAC board, Kennedy put a stop to it and it only happened, the F*** you chant, only once after the Rowdies started the Can't Sucks cheer.those in attendance...true?
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Liang Kennedy(sp?) was standing next to the Can't State student section when the fingers started flying and when they started doing the F*** Akron chant.  I don't know if he yelled at them or simply ignored them, although considering his position I would expect him to have told the students to stop.  I know that if the AK-Rowdies did that in the JAR, we would be banished to the rafters.
According the the flushes on the MAC board, Kennedy put a stop to it and it only happened, the F*** you chant, only once after the Rowdies started the Can't Sucks cheer.those in attendance...true?
It did come following the initial Can't State Sucks chant (which I felt was done far too much) but to me, the F you chant took it wayyyyy over the line...
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I'm not really bothered by any of the Can't chants from last night personally. Is there any rivalrly where the both sides don't call the other's fans classless? Of course both sides' fans lack class... they don't particularly like each other. I utterly detest Can't State University and everything about it. From the hippies, to the Wahhabist sympathizers in the history department, to the JUCO transfers they keep bringing in for the hoops team, to their midget quarterback, to their snot-nosed student body... I can't stand them, and it goes deeper than sports. If they're chanting "**** you" to Akron, more power to them... were we to get their collective praise, adulation, or respect, I'd wonder what we were doing wrong. :screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks:

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I'm not really bothered by any of the Can't chants from last night personally.  Is there any rivalrly where the both sides don't call the other's fans classless?  Of course both sides' fans lack class... they don't particularly like each other.  I utterly detest Can't State University and everything about it.  From the hippies, to the Wahhabist sympathizers in the history department, to the JUCO transfers they keep bringing in for the hoops team, to their midget quarterback, to their snot-nosed student body... I can't stand them, and it goes deeper than sports.  If they're chanting "**** you" to Akron, more power to them... were we to get their collective praise, adulation, or respect, I'd wonder what we were doing wrong. :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:  :screwks:
Cursing like that in a public place where there are a lot of youngsters around crosses the line. Personally, I love it that they hate us that much. The feeling is mutual. The F you chants do not offend me but there are so many other things they can fire at us without throwing the F bomb 50 times. It shows a lack of creativity on their part.
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How is chanting Can't state sucks even compared to F..k you akron ?No body said that they are class less when they came up with screw the roo. But the F word is way over the line.And how about the middle fingers ? not one or two, dozens of students... and that fat and ugly guy with the head band in the first line (seems to be one of the leaders) grabbing his organs and simulating sexual positions... remembering him makes me :puke: Besides, why would some one with a tiny toony bit of a brain flick Lebron James up ? and why ? why on earth do they expect him to cheer against his coach, his friends, his city and take the side of a bunch of JUCO transfers who are from all from Michigan, Illinois, and indiana ?Saying that both fans see each other as class less and brushing the issue off makes me feel that you were not there. We could have chanted F u too or raised our middle fingers back... believe me, it is not that hard to do. But we decided to clap our hands to show them what class is and make them aware that we were in a family rated event... but oh well... that's why they go to Can't.

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Cursing like that in a public place where there are a lot of youngsters around crosses the line.
Sorry, I wasn't disagreeing with you on that. It's not appropriate at all, I just meant that I wasn't personally offended by it, especially as it pertains to their contempt for UA. If I had a five-year old with me at the game, then I would have been a little irked. It's also absolutely incomparable to chanting "Can't State sucks", which I find to be less than harmless... and true.
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I'm not really bothered by any of the Can't chants from last night personally. Is there any rivalrly where the both sides don't call the other's fans classless?
They actually call us nerds... I'm good with it, after all in a couple years when we are all graduated, they'll be saying "would you like fries with that?"
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