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Im watching this game and these officials are a JOKE. there have been 4 times in the first 15 minutes that Can't players have taken 3 steps an nothing has been called for it. the dru joyc charge, when the guy was still sliding over to try to get the charge.. just horrible calls. and their shot selection isnt helping the cause either... TAKE THE BALL INSIDE TO WOOD AN TRAVIS

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I think Dambrot and the boys are going to have a serious gut check at halftime. The season sweep doesn't matter one bit if we lose tonight. 25 wins out the window. The season will be a failure and Rome and Dru will leave Akron having accomplished nothing. I'll look for some fire to close the game.

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It almost looks like Akron decided by showing up they would win. No defense + No offense = big loss.Sad that Akron decided to play their worse half of the year in the first half of this one.Hopefully they will play their best half of the year in the second half or its one and done again in the MAC tournament!

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It is hard to say much about the crowd. The camera angle has shot each teams cheering sections at various points but the game angle doesn't show that much of the crowd. When it does pan the crowd, it does look like a lot of people. They are showing more Can't fans lately, but that will change in the second half.

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First of all we are only at the half. Secondly, I have the same philosphy as the preseding poster, which is, it is almost impossible to beat a team 3 times in a seado. Be prepared foran invite to the NIT. Hopefully, they will give us a home game for the first round.

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how can that not be a foul, it looked as if the guy brought his elbow up an caught wood in the face? maybe i just missed somthing...did anyone else see that? I know i seen the guy grab the ball an swing his arms, looked away for a second an turn back an wood is down under the basket.

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