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Indians06 Posted: Mar 12 2007, 11:04 AM  Your e-mail to him was ignorant. You called his conference a joke, thats his job. If someone called my line of work a joke I wouldn't reply back, but to call something a joke is very ignorant 
Could'nt stop laughing at your post. I had visions of Michael Jackson. With respect to your comments, no professional gets in a pillow fight with a customer or student in this case. Truly a classless act on the part of the mac official.
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Your e-mail to him was ignorant. You called his conference a joke, thats his job. If someone called my line of work a joke I wouldn't reply back, but to call something a joke is very ignorant
If you would have read it, I personally never called "his" conference a joke. I simply stated that "Now we know why everyone looks at the MAC conference as a joke"Everyone is allowed to have the own opinions of things, so i stated how everyone feels. (from what all i read on this and other message boards)
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Angry fans will vent and say harsh things but as Associate Commissioner of a D1 conference you have to take the high road and maintain professionalism in your response...this is very disappointing. Is he next in line for the top job if Chryst leaves? If this is the type of leadership we have in the MAC it's no wonder we get no respect from the NCAA. Very amateur.

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Did anyone else think to themselves when reading his bio, "Wow you have NO experience with a mid-major program." How can a guy who is used to the big stage and national recognition have ANY idea of how to run a mid major conference? I'm personally embarrassed for the league. Someone with no idea what obstacles these teams face going into the postseason is the one responsible for promoting us? That truly is a joke. As far as his response, if you’re in a position of authority you have NO RIGHT degrading someone under you. If you were angry with the way Akron ran something and wrote Proenza an angry e-mail do you think he would respond like that? HELL NO!! He is absolutely classless. By the way, we’re the fans that give him a paycheck. Without our tickets he doesn’t get paid. Have some respect for those you represent.

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That is an extremely unprofessional email. I'd send it to every media outlet straight away. I'd also share with Proenza, Rhoades, and Dambrot. You don't call a fan "ignorant", regardless of what that fan wrote in the first place (not saying you wrote anything inappropriate--just saying that even if someone did, his response is not appropriate).We seriously need out of this hellhole of a conference asap. They clearly don't have any idea how to run an operation.
I agree 100%. There is no reason for this guy to not get fired for responding to a fan this way. The original e-mail wasn't exactly roses, but regardless, a person ranking that high can't respond back like a fifth grader. As i was reading that, it was like someone got on his e-mail and was sending a prank response.He has to be fired over this!
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So wiat you told him is what other people (everyone) meaning a lot of people, thinks of his conference? I don't see how that's any better? I'd rather somebody tell me their oppinions instead of giving me "everyones" oppinion. I know you weren't speaking for me in the e-mail because I don't look at the MAC as a joke. I don't see why the fans get wrote off and can be un classy and un profesional and it's okay.You were ignorant on the point that if the clock started on time the shot wouyld not have counted. I watched the tape many times, and the ball is out of his hand my the time 1 second is shown. So the shot would have still counted. It seems like to me we are all trying to blame this on someone else instead of our selves. If we make free throws were going dancing. That's how I look at it. I'm a person who tries not to make excuses.

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That is an extremely unprofessional email.  I'd send it to every media outlet straight away.  I'd also share with Proenza, Rhoades, and Dambrot.    You don't call a fan "ignorant", regardless of what that fan wrote in the first place (not saying you wrote anything inappropriate--just saying that even if someone did, his response is not appropriate).We seriously need out of this hellhole of a conference asap.  They clearly don't have any idea how to run an operation.
I agree 100%. There is no reason for this guy to not get fired for responding to a fan this way. The original e-mail wasn't exactly roses, but regardless, a person ranking that high can't respond back like a fifth grader. As i was reading that, it was like someone got on his e-mail and was sending a prank response.He has to be fired over this!
But i didnt make a personal attack on him. I simply stated what i was hearing from the TV stations and one different message boards about the MAC officials and the MAC conference itself. Yes i did call the commissioner a coward, but that is personal opinion... im aloud to have that.
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So wiat you told him is what other people (everyone) meaning a lot of people, thinks of his conference? I don't see how that's any better? I'd rather somebody tell me their oppinions instead of giving me "everyones" oppinion. I know you weren't speaking for me in the e-mail because I don't look at the MAC as a joke. I don't see why the fans get wrote off and can be un classy and un profesional and it's okay.You were ignorant on the point that if the clock started on time the shot wouyld not have counted. I watched the tape many times, and the ball is out of his hand my the time 1 second is shown. So the shot would have still counted. It seems like to me we are all trying to blame this on someone else instead of our selves. If we make free throws were going dancing. That's how I look at it. I'm a person who tries not to make excuses.
Maybe i watched it wrong...along with anyone else who seen it. But when the people (stuart scott) on espn used their clock from the time the ball touched the players hand after the missed free throw to when the miami guy got the ball an turned up court. it was 1.6 seconds
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That is an extremely unprofessional email.  I'd send it to every media outlet straight away.  I'd also share with Proenza, Rhoades, and Dambrot.    You don't call a fan "ignorant", regardless of what that fan wrote in the first place (not saying you wrote anything inappropriate--just saying that even if someone did, his response is not appropriate).We seriously need out of this hellhole of a conference asap.  They clearly don't have any idea how to run an operation.
I agree 100%. There is no reason for this guy to not get fired for responding to a fan this way. The original e-mail wasn't exactly roses, but regardless, a person ranking that high can't respond back like a fifth grader. As i was reading that, it was like someone got on his e-mail and was sending a prank response.He has to be fired over this!
But i didnt make a personal attack on him. I simply stated what i was hearing from the TV stations and one different message boards about the MAC officials and the MAC conference itself. Yes i did call the commissioner a coward, but that is personal opinion... im aloud to have that.
I agree completely. I'm not slamming you TB. The repsonse you got is a firable offense, regardless of what promted it. You could have sent him an e-mail slamming his mother, his kids, his anatomy, whatever--he still can't respond to you that way. hec an choose to ignore it, but when he send s taht e-mail, he's representeing the MAC. The MAC just called a passionate MAC fan ignorant, etc.He must be fired!
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So wiat you told him is what other people (everyone) meaning a lot of people, thinks of his conference? I don't see how that's any better? I'd rather somebody tell me their oppinions instead of giving me "everyones" oppinion. I know you weren't speaking for me in the e-mail because I don't look at the MAC as a joke. I don't see why the fans get wrote off and can be un classy and un profesional and it's okay.You were ignorant on the point that if the clock started on time the shot wouyld not have counted. I watched the tape many times, and the ball is out of his hand my the time 1 second is shown. So the shot would have still counted. It seems like to me we are all trying to blame this on someone else instead of our selves. If we make free throws were going dancing. That's how I look at it. I'm a person who tries not to make excuses.
and just so you know......as he would have done........ you spelled wait wrong, it is W-A-I-T i am not degrading you, just making you see my point of view on how he acted towards my email.
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Their 1999 Final Four appearance will be wiped from the books. They will be the SEVENTH team to have their Final Four appearance stripped away. The others were St Joseph's ['61], Villanova ['71 who lost the NCAA title game], Western Kentucky ['71], UCLA ['80 who lost the NCAA title game], Memphis ['85] and UMass ['96]. Michigan's 1992 and 1993 Final Fours were wiped out during self imposed sanctions...but still are listed in the history books according to the NCAA. http://journals.aol.com/sportzassassin/SPO...final-four/1456 :wave:

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I know how to spell, I just type too fast because I am at work, and don't want to get caught. I'm just syaing if someone told me everyone thinks my bank is a joke, I'm gonna get pist because I know everyone doesn't, and I would ask that person who appointed you spokesman for everyone
And if, from your work e-mail in your capacity as a bank representative, you responded in a similar manner, you should be fired.
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The ball left his hand with about 1.8 seconds left
I don't think everyone is crushed over just the Miami loss. That's basketball. Last second shots, human errors, they happen. It is crushing but it is sports, and that happens and that makes it easier to deal with (though still difficult).The outrage is over the selection committees, specifically the NIT. Everyone can come to grip about not making the NCAA--we saw that coming. But not making the NIT is a joke.
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I know how to spell, I just type too fast because I am at work, and don't want to get caught. I'm just syaing if someone told me everyone thinks my bank is a joke, I'm gonna get pist because I know everyone doesn't, and I would ask that person who appointed you spokesman for everyone
So now you know how i feel when he degraded me because i made a typing error. I was also trying to type fast.
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The ball left his hand with about 1.8 seconds left
I don't think everyone is crushed over just the Miami loss. That's basketball. Last second shots, human errors, they happen. It is crushing but it is sports, and that happens and that makes it easier to deal with (though still difficult).The outrage is over the selection committees, specifically the NIT. Everyone can come to grip about not making the NCAA--we saw that coming. But not making the NIT is a joke.
and they said earlier on the TV that if a team is on the bubble alot of times the league commissioner will lobby to try to help get that team in. Did they lobby to get akron into any type of tourney? everyone knows we should have been in.
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Can someone please verify that these rules were violated?Page BR-157. Rule 10, Section 3, Article 4.Page BR-158. Rule 10, Section 3, Article 9a.Page BR-165. Rule 10, Section 9, Article 7.Page BR-167. Rule 10, Section 11, Article 2.Page BR-167. Rule 10, Section 11, Article 3.http://www.ncaa.org/library/rules/2007/200...tball_rules.pdf
You are 100% right. If you really want to go by the rule book, Miami should have been charged with a technical for rushing the court. Since there was actually .6 seconds on the clock the game was not over. Meaning more than 5 players on the court during the game which means a technical foul. Now I'm not ignorant enough to think that any ref will make that call in any big game ever. My point is don't say the officials did everything according to the rule book when in fact they didn't. One last point. If the refs timed the play and it lasted 6.0 seconds from the time the ball was touched until the ball passed through the net, then how did 6.6 seconds run off of the game clock when it was started AFTER the stopwatch? I'm no physics major but I'm pretty sure that's impossible.
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First of all, I don't think Miami should have been charged with a Tech. The clock expired, buzzer went off, the refferee waived the game over, then they reviewed the play. At the point the players rushed the court the game was over. And who can blame them, the horn sounded and they hit a miracle three to go to the dance. Once they put time on the clock, the court was cleared. As for the e-mail, hes probably been bombarded with similar emails and he snapped. Not acceptable, but not unprecidented. I know I've been in his situation before an over reacted, thats why I don't reply to something that pisses me off right away anymore. Appology yes, fired no...

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My buddy just traded emails with the MAC office:Mr. Boyages,With regards to the Men's Championship Game, time clock issues aside,should there not have been a technical foul issued to Miami forstorming the court prior to the 'official' end of the game? Although there was no time on the game clock when the fans, as well asthe entire bench (coaches as well as the players) stormed the floor,the officials never signaled the end of the contest.The outcome of the game has been set in stone, and can not be altered. An official statement regarding the decisions made should be issued.This would not only benefit the University of Akron, but the MAC in itsentirety.If I read the NCAA Rulebook correctly, the following rules were violated. Page BR-157. Rule 10, Section 3, Article 4.Page BR-158. Rule 10, Section 3, Article 9a.Page BR-165. Rule 10, Section 9, Article 7.Page BR-167. Rule 10, Section 11, Article 2.Page BR-167. Rule 10, Section 11, Article 3. Thank you for your time,Jeremiah And the reply:Point well taken Jeremiah. There was no time on the official gameclock when the court was stormed. At that point, the game was not "officially" overyet there was no time left on the clock. At the request of Coach Dambrot,and allowable by rule, the officials can go to the monitor in that instance. They did, found the error, and corrected the time. The game is not overuntil all three officials leave the floor..................................................................What I don't get is that he admits that the game wasn't over and then skirts the issue of issuing a technical foul to Miami. His reply is meaningless and went in a circle. At this point I think they realize that they screwed up and are just trying to save face. It's not going to change anything but I think an apology from the league would make a lot of people around here feel better. Sure we will all still think they are worthless (which they more or less are) but atleast it's something.

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