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Sept. 1 Army/Akron game time ???


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I wonder who has control of determining game time for the Army/Akron game September 1st at Cleveland Browns Stadium? The Cleveland Indians are playing the Chicago White Sox that evening at 7PM at Jacobs Field. If they schedule the football game to start sometime between noon and 3PM ...* The Patriot Bowl MAY sell a few more tickets to those planning to head to the Tribe game that evening. * The City of Cleveland and its businesses make money all day long from those who plan to spend the entire day in the city (taxes, parking, lunch, dinner).* The Indians sell a few more tickets (our family of four included; ) to those who attend the football game and decide to stick around for some baseball that evening (FYI - fleece blanket to everyone in attendance at the Indians game that night).If they schedule the football game so that it overlaps the baseball game ...* Ya Pays Yer Money, Ya Takes Yer Choice. Chance of any synergy developing between the two events goes down the toilet. Just a little day-dreaming and planning as we settle in after basketball season and wait for football season ...

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In typical Northeast Ohio fashion, the braintrust in Cleveland will not notice this opportunity, and will schedule the events simultaneously. I try not to make a point to spend a full day in Cleveland, but that's my opinion. Especially since I'd be tailgaiting at 8am if the Zips play at noon.Maybe some folks would go to both events, but not me.

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!!!OPPORTUNITY!!!I've got a good idea. They should put together a package. Pay $$$ for two tickets, one for the Indians, one for the Zips, and throw in a couple of free hotdogs. That would really help attendance IMO. Don't they pay somebody at UA to think of stuff like this, and make it happen?

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Right now all the evidence is telling me that good ideas get pushed aside in favor of lost oppurtunity. :o
And the congregation said "AMEN"! I really like that phrase, it is unfortunate that it is so true.
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"My sources tell me" that since it is Labor Day Weekend and there is an air show at Burke Airport, the FAA will NOT allow an event at Cleveland Browns Stadium while the air show is going on. Looks like the Army/Akron game won't start until 6PM or after since the air show usually doesn't wrap up until 5PM or so. There is also the possibility of national TV exposure and that may factor (if it becomes reality) into determining when the start time will be.

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That is not good.
It could be... if they run a promotion in conjunction with the air show.
downtown is too freaken crowded during the airshow...and we're not going to get any spill over either.It's just going to be a pain.Let's see what we can do.How about parking downtown across the tracks and we tailgate on Mall C...then take the bridge over to the stadium????
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