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Sitting here watching the draft and they just did an interview with Braylon Edwards. By the way he is talking, Brady already has the starting job locked up. Now that they have somewhat of a better offensive line will they give Charlie a chance? The line he had before to work with was pathetic. I say they make him earn the spot and not just give it to him because he was a 1st round draft pick.

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Sorry but the Browns are not going to trade next years draft away for a guy to sit the bench this coming season. Hopefully Charlie can find a job some place else. This is a blessing. I know Chalrie wanted to play for the home team. But when the home team sucks it is better if you don't play for them. It is all good now and the Browns are going to the Superbowl in two years but check back and two years and see who is in the basement of the AFC Central. Da Browns!!!!!! Quinn is not the answer I for see the next Rick Meier (sp) in the making.......Who does he play for now??????

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Hold on. Sit still. Wait a few.The Browns are not going to start Quinn right out of the gate, meaning the first regularseason game. That's suicidal. The O-line needs time to "gel". With all the switchingof players during the four preseason games this gelling process will not happen.It will probably take from four to eight regular season games to get the O-line up tospeed. During this time the Browns are not going to risk their multimillion dollardressed in pink sweetheart. Nope. The Browns will plug in tried and tested CharlieFrye. Why? Because he is durable. Also, since he has played the most games last year hebecomes the best resource to evaluate where the O-line needs tweaking. Its not thatthey will give Charlie a chance, because they wont. Its because they have way toomuch money and "face" invested in Quinn.If Charlie survives AND if he is leading the team to multiple victories he will remainthe starting quarterback. If and when he falters you will see baby boy Quinn takingsnaps.Should Charlie produce a winning and competitive team Quinn will remain on the bench.Quinn will get into games late for mop up duty. This is where he will get his initialexperience. Should he surpass Charlie he, Quinn, will earn a start. But, he will haveto win.You have to factor in that Crennel and Savage have their collective kesters on thechopping block. This is a win now or you are gone scenario. They bet the ranch onQuinn. They probably lost. Time will tell.The Browns fans will not accept anything short of a 9-7 season with a playoff spot.Otherwise, heads will roll.Here is what you can expect. All of the local media, print, TV, radio, etc. are going tosuck up to the Lerner's. To say anything negative about Quinn will cost said personhis or her place at the free food buffet. This includes the Akron writers. No one, but,no one is going to make negative remarks about Quinn until he is ankle deep in his own doo doo.Ooops, there is one exception. Mike Trivisono is no favored darling of the Browns.You will probably get the truth out of him. No. I am not propping Trivisono. Actually,I dislike his abrasive, crude and sometimes pathetic remarks.Contrary to all the hype, the Browns 2007 draft is a bust. They obviously did NOT havea plan of attack. Need proof, sure you do. They started out quite well by opting toselect Joe Thomas the OT out of Wisconsin. Good pick. It is down hill from there.Next the Browns gave away next year's first round pick plus this year's second roundpick to get Quinn in the twenty-second spot. Think about this intelligently. Twenty-oneteams, including the Browns passed on Quinn.They were so desperate to get Quinn that they gave away their future. These clowns remind me of Ted Stepien of the old Cleveland Cadavers days. Quinn better walk onwater. He wont. He'll flub. He has Ryan Leaf and Tony Mandrich written all over him.He is to pretty to be a quarterback. Show me a successful QB in the NFL that everlooked like him. Even Brian Sipe wasn't near as pretty.Second selection the Browns made was to trade up to get a bum. Not just a bum, buta proven bum. Sure, and excellent player. Romeo Crennel could not rein in twoplucky kids in Winslow and Edwards. Now just how firm will be his limp wristed controlof a rich bum? Can you say "character issues"?All the later picks were irrelevant. Why? Because they traded away the core picks ofthe second and third rounds to get Quinn and the bum.The Browns needed to get more picks to get more bodies. They failed. Consequently,they will fail on the field. This is going to be one long year unless Charlie Frye getsit together sufficiently to carry the offense. Sorry. That's life.

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Wow, alot of different reactions about the picks the Browns made in this draft. I find it hard to believe that people are finding so many negatives in picking up what many experts believe to be 2 of the top 5 players in the 2007 draft. People seem to have a few reoccurring rants:1. We gave up our number one pick next year , who some are calling the future of the browns, for a #22 quarterback. The Browns are expected to be much better which means their record should improve. Even if they are a .500 team, they will get something like a 13 to 17 pick. How many players do you know that are so dynamic, so skillful that they will become the future of the team in this pick range? This is usually the range for solid defensive players, no one who is going to make or break a franchise.2. Brady Quinn will not start for the Browns. Even if Charlie can play sub par, we will be on the field. Quinn at least needs a year to learn the system and develop. Charlie is a student of the game who many regard as extremely hard working. He will have a job with the Browns.3. I think, and you may disagree but I think I'm right, that many people hate Brady Quinn because he is from Notre Dame. Face it, Notre Dame is the New York Yankees of college football. Either you love em or you hate em. Would any of these arguments be going on if Quinn was a Buckeye? How quickly we forget that Quinn grew up in Dublin, Ohio and played his high school ball there. Not to mention the kid WANTS TO PLAY FOR THE BROWNS. How many college quarterbacks of good to great skills want to play for a franchise who was not had success in so long.My point is that I think Browns fans are turning a very positive thing into a negative for the wrong reasons. I'm a Browns fan and I honestly think that we are the only fan base that would turn the best draft we ever had (arguably) into a negative thing. Just my thoughts people.

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Face it, Notre Dame is the New York Yankees of college football. Either you love em or you hate em. Would any of these arguments be going on if Quinn was a Buckeye?
If he was a Buckeye, I'd hate him even more. I don't hate him because he's from Notre Dame, I hate him because he wears gel in his hair.
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Jayfromua....your math needs some work.Are you trying to convince us that a #22 pick this year is more valuable than a #13-#17 pick next year? Next year's draft would have to be a really bad draft for that to happen. And that's also assuming that the Browns will have a winning record next year. I appreciate your optimism, but you're reaching. Plus.....you're still forgetting that we also gave an early 2nd round pick as well.

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Skip we actually traded for the second round pick. I think the only reason he went to #22 was because no one really needed a quarterback. I'm just thinking that looking at the college talent out their now that I don't see a quarterback that is going to graduate or come out early next year that may be better than Quinn. I'm not trying to defend Quinn or Savage. I could be wrong and I hope that all our skepticism is way off and they kid proves us wrong. Like many Skip-Zip, I just want to see some positivity surround the organization for once you know.

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Skip we actually traded for the second round pick. I think the only reason he went to #22 was because no one really needed a quarterback. I'm just thinking that looking at the college talent out their now that I don't see a quarterback that is going to graduate or come out early next year that may be better than Quinn. I'm not trying to defend Quinn or Savage. I could be wrong and I hope that all our skepticism is way off and they kid proves us wrong. Like many Skip-Zip, I just want to see some positivity surround the organization for once you know.
We gave up our 1st round pick next year. and we switched our 2nd round pick this year for their 1st round pick. it was way to much to give up for quinn considering from the looks of it that pick next year will be a top 10 pick. There is a QB coming out next year from hawaii by the name of brennan who broke the record for TD passes in a season this past season. IMO this kid is alot better then quinn. I would have much rather seen them take another dominate offensive lineman and hold back until the late rounds to pick a QB if they felt they needed one. I think if you give CF time, he will produce.
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timmy chang is the all time NCAA leading passer in yards, also from hawaii and got cut last year as a wide receiver...so brennan seems to be another system quarterback...its not hard to throw for 4,000 yards when you pass 50 times a game and go shotgun 5 wide....there are 2 legit qbs coming out next year and thats brohm from louisville and booty from usc. both will be first rounders but certainly not top 15-20. the browns got the 3 players they wanted coming into the draft...thomas, quinn, and eric wright...finally a shutdown corner, im not too sure how you guys can call yourselves browns fan when the kid hasn't even played a down...he is a smart, poised, and passionate quarterback, who wants to be here, i honestly don't think you could say any of those attributes for frye, except he might want to be here.....the O line is significantly better this year, and the franchise is turning around, so wait until october or november to rip savage apart

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I understand that Browns fans want to be optimistic. All I can say is, if they really think that Brady Quinn is "the franchise guy they have been wanting for years", and that they don't see anyone coming out next year that is as good as him, then why didn't they pick him at #3? And why didn't anyone else pick him in the other 20 selections up to that point? EVEN ALL THE TEAMS THAT NEEDED QUARTERBACKS PASSED ON HIM. I like how Dallas basically held out until the Browns agreed to give them the deal of all deals in exchange for that pick. I'm sorry, but I have never heard of a team giving up so much for a #22 pick. What would have been wrong with taking Joe Thomas, then using your next scheduled pick at #35 to get another good player, and using all of your remaining picks to address many of your other areas of need, and waiting for next year's top-10 pick to get another top-notch player?I'll tell you why that didn't happen.....There is a GM and Head Coach that won't be here after next year, and they were getting very very desperate. Here's what my crystal ball is seeing.....1) The Browns will be desperate to showcase their "future", and will insert Brady Quinn into the starting lineup at some point next year.2) Once they realize that they didn't address enough areas of need in this draft, they will find themselves with another losing record, and possibly another injured quarterback.3) The coach and GM will be gone.4) We'll have no high draft selections next year, and we'll have to watch as another coach and GM take us through yet another "rebuilding" phase. Wake me up when it's over. I'm going to hybernate until about 2013.

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