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Guest ***GUEST_Zipper

It is not the value of your donations over the last 25 years that should earn someone a seat choice. It is the value of TODAY's dollar. Tell me what good your gift of 20 years ago does the U today? And how far back should we go? The 70's? 60's? Or just five years ago? And you said, "they are throwng mud on the people who have made it possible to have the program we have today." Please explain to me how YOU made today's program what it is? It is the players and coaches and the university as a whole who make current decisions that make this program what it is today. Your support yesterday helped YESTERDAY'S teams.

A "johnny-come-lately" has every right to become a fan of Akron basketball. He can just jump right in and support them mightily with whatever means available, including his cash. God man, we should be glad! Look, I don't admire fair weather fans, but they are almost everywhere. And why would a corporation make an investment in a dead program? Do you think if OSU continues to lose in football for the next few years it would not affect their donations and season ticket sales? People are wildly loyal to OSU, but it is not immune to this phenomenon. You are correct - people vote with their wallets, and the donors would begin to drop their support.

I have been a loyal fan of Akron U. This change has cost me money, and I did have to make a decision on my very limited donation dollars in my budget to pay $100 per seat for lower seats. And I don't itemize every year, either (I have to lump). But I get this change, and I get the benefit to Akron U.

Hilltopper, I feel bad for you that this upsets you, but you are going to be in for a surprise. No one is "throwing mud on you" and I'm sure the folks at the U are glad for your support, even if they do have this seating preference program. And the average people will still come. For the maybe five fans who bag on Akron U basketball over this there will be ten more that will buy tickets. UAM is doing an excellent job of raising the profile of Zips athletics in our area - something that should have been done long ago, imho.

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