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Officially a season ticket holder...


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Well, after looking at the price of the Army tickets I took some of your advice and bought season tickets for the first time. Thanks for the advice by the way.Buying them this year came with 2 other huge pluses. 1. I am guaranteed Akron vs OSU tickets at face value2. I am now in line to get good season tickets at the new stadium. Go Zips!! Can September 1st get here soon enough?

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The guy at the Akron ticket office told me I have until August 17th to decide if I want to buy the 2 OSU tickets I am eligible for. Does that sound right to you?I held off on the OSU tickets because he said they will be either endzone corner 2nd or 3rd deck. I want to see if my so called "connections" can get me anything better for the same price. More than likely I will buy my 2 just to be safe.

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I called this morning to check the status of our tickets, and he told me they're 'working on it' and that they'd be shipped next week. I asked if they had a good turnout this season and he said yes. He also said that people were buying tickets every day and that's what's setting them back.Man, I can't WAIT until September 1!!! :screwks:

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