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Romeo Travis to play in Spain


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That's about what I expected. I just hope he's not playing on a crummy team. There's plenty of opportunities for MAC level guys to play on pro leagues in Italy, Spain, Puerto Rico, etc. I hope he made the right choice.
I don't know about the team. I know for sure that he is playing in the right league.The spanish league is one of the best in europe. I think Varejao and Pau Gasol both played in Barcelona before coming to the NBA.Best of luck to Romeo.
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Hi! I´m from Spain, to tell me to something on romeo travis, in which positions can play? can shoot 3 with good success? Defense? work ethic?romeo play in the second Spanish division, LEB LEAGUE, in this league played Jose Calderon, Luis Felipe Lopez, etc, the team is Alerta Cantabria Lobos, here juice Marc Jackson, Hornet´s playerTHANKS for the information!!!!Go Lobos!Go Zips!

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Romeo plays power forward. He is not a long distance shooter. He has a decent mid distance shot and nice foot skills to rebound and score underneath the basket.His work ethic has always been great. He is a great shot blocker but can improve other aspects of his defense.

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