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and then their were 4...


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Hi all; glad to join this chat room! What I heard about Hakes is that JD threatened him, and a few others, that if they don't impress, he will take away their scholarships! This can start a bad precedent! Can you imagine high schoo; coaches counseling their players, saying that Akron will take away your scholarship if you don't start? Wonder how many kids will sign? Also, rival coaches telling a kid that? Wonder how many top recruiting classes we will get that way!
I would say that is 100% bogus. If it were physically possible, it would be 110% bogus.Thanks for checking in, Doug Martin. :wave::screwks:
Not only that Cap but does anyone honestly think that JD would have gotten this far pulling something like that.The most likely scenario is that JD sat Hakes and his father down and gave him a real estimate of his current position on the depth chart. "You are third, and perhaps 4th with the way Rodgers has been playing lately. You have the option of moving to a new position, or I can release you from your scholarship to allow a transfer, and I will even help you look for another program." That is more then likely how that all went down. Any idiot knows you can't pull a scholarship because of on field performance anyway.
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A scholarship is given on a year to year basis. This gives a coach an out if someone were to accept one and decide not to play. Unscrupulous coaches could use it as a threat. I certainly hope JD does not do this. It was mentioned, "How could he get this far?" How far is this? It's his first head coaching job.

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A scholarship is given on a year to year basis. This gives a coach an out if someone were to accept one and decide not to play. Unscrupulous coaches could use it as a threat. I certainly hope JD does not do this. It was mentioned, "How could he get this far?" How far is this? It's his first head coaching job.
Yes it was mentioned how could he get this far. He was a Pittsburgh offensive coordinator for four seasons, he has had the Zips for 3 seasons starting his 4th. If threatening scholarships was part of his repertoire you would have already heard about it.
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