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Akrons Pregame ritual

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I was thinking we need one...Notre Dame has the walk, some school has students jumping into a river for a swim, cocktail parties, etc. We don't have a river but I could bring a slip n slide!! My friend laughed hysterically at me and said that was ridiculous. But imagine if it did take off and you see moms, dads, students, breaking hips trying to slide down that thing. Memorable moments: During a televised game on ESPN Mack rodes slides down the "Zip Strip". Now i know what most people are thinking man did you go to that Can't game a couple years ago do you know how cold it gets in Akron in October.But as a "ZIPS FAN" I was thinking where the hell am I gonna get that long of a hose and how do I keep the water from freezing? :D

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beer pool :rock:  :cheers:
No way, that wouldn't work. The beer would be gone before the pre game even started. :D
well, of course, the beer slide would drain into the beer pool, and our beverage sponsor would be responsible for keeping the beer levels up.Me personally, I think I'd rather pay $5 for a cool clean brew. :lol:
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