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Bring On The Flushes !!


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Getting fired up for this game, and supporting our team vocally, is the only thing we can do as fans. It's time to start getting ready. It looks like we are the underdog, at home, and I wasn't expecting that. Not in a divisional game. This is going to be a very important game for us, and we have to win with it being a home game.Ok...let me get the pep rally started... :nono: not in our house :puke: on the blue and yellow :screwks::thumb: And let's hope the 12pm start does not discourage the casual Rubber Bowl tailgaters. I plan on :zzz: early Friday night, and being at the lot at sunrise with :CK_brew: .

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My wife and I will be there tailgating at about 8:30. I just spoke with my brother, who can't make it, but both of his daughters will be there. One is a U of A grad and the other is still a student. also, one of the guys my bro works with will be bringing his wife and attending his first ever Zip game.BTW it is now 8:32 AND :screwks:

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FYI.. anyone who didn't see the end of the Mackey news release...

Akron will play its first official home game this weekend (Sept. 22).hosting rival Can't State in the 37 th renewal of the Wagon Wheel game. Kickoff is set for Noon at the Rubber Bowl.Fans that purchase two Can't State tickets for $25 (for the pair) can receive two complimentary tickets for the Akron-Ohio game (Wednesday, Nov. 7). This offer good through this Friday (Sept. 21) until 4 pm. Also at the Can't State game, anyone who brings an article of clothing, books or household items to the game, which can be left at one of two Goodwill Industries truck, you will receive a free “Fear the Roo” seat cushion.Source: University of Akron
8:45 and still :screwks:
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