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What game was Can't coach Doug Martin at?


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But the other scenario is when a fellow Big Ten school is playing a top-ranked opponent. In this case, I know Ohio State fans that will root for Michigan to knock off a big school since it brings more notoriety to the conference, and elevates the conference's ranking.
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Apparently wOOt lives in his own little world where his opinion is right all the time.There are probably hardcore haters, that will never root for a rival. Then there are reasonable people who understand that the better your rival does, the better you do and look when you beat them. If Can't was 0-3 coming into the game yesterday, Zips Nation would have cared, but nobody else would have. However the fact that they had some wins under their belt and were the "Class of the MAC east" means our victory over them is worth more then getting the Wagon Wheel back to where it belongs. If Michigan was a losing team every year, they would not be OSU's rival. (Unless of course they were both bottom dwellers). So you see, if Can't doesn't continue to improve and get wins as we improve the Rivalry goes away. What would be the point of a rivalry game if you win 10 or 15 in a row?Plus it just feels better when you steal a rivals thunder.

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Apparently wOOt lives in his own little world where his opinion is right all the time.There are probably hardcore haters, that will never root for a rival. Then there are reasonable people who understand that the better your rival does, the better you do and look when you beat them. If Can't was 0-3 coming into the game yesterday, Zips Nation would have cared, but nobody else would have. However the fact that they had some wins under their belt and were the "Class of the MAC east" means our victory over them is worth more then getting the Wagon Wheel back to where it belongs. If Michigan was a losing team every year, they would not be OSU's rival. (Unless of course they were both bottom dwellers). So you see, if Can't doesn't continue to improve and get wins as we improve the Rivalry goes away. What would be the point of a rivalry game if you win 10 or 15 in a row?Plus it just feels better when you steal a rivals thunder.
I could care less if Can't dropped their football program. That just means less division I-A football teams in Ohio to compete with for support and resources. The worse they do the better. :screwks:
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Apparently wOOt lives in his own little world where his opinion is right all the time.There are probably hardcore haters, that will never root for a rival.  Then there are reasonable people who understand that the better your rival does, the better you do and look when you beat them.  If Can't was 0-3 coming into the game yesterday, Zips Nation would have cared, but nobody else would have.  However the fact that they had some wins under their belt and were the "Class of the MAC east" means our victory over them is worth more then getting the Wagon Wheel back to where it belongs.  If Michigan was a losing team every year, they would not be OSU's rival.  (Unless of course they were both bottom dwellers).  So you see, if Can't doesn't continue to improve and get wins as we improve the Rivalry goes away.  What would be the point of a rivalry game if you win 10 or 15 in a row?Plus it just feels better when you steal a rivals thunder.
This entire argument is mind blowing to me.You don't always look good just because you beat your rival. If we play Can't the last game of the year, and they're unbeaten and we haven't won, does that mean we look good when we win the game? Of course not. You are only as good as your record indicates, not as good as your rival's record.The bottom line is: The Zips (and our fans) need to take care of our own schedule, and reasonable people should never cheer for their rival. Reasonable people cheer for their rivals to look as inept as possible "Every Minute."I repeat: F K.E.N.T. and under ZERO circumstances will I or should any true zips fans cheer for them :screwks:And as far as stealing your rival's thunder. If K.S.U.cks beats OSU, THEY will be stealing our thunder, because they will accomplish something that we, on our best day, could not do a couple weeks ago.
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Apparently wOOt lives in his own little world where his opinion is right all the time.There are probably hardcore haters, that will never root for a rival.  Then there are reasonable people who understand that the better your rival does, the better you do and look when you beat them.  If Can't was 0-3 coming into the game yesterday, Zips Nation would have cared, but nobody else would have.  However the fact that they had some wins under their belt and were the "Class of the MAC east" means our victory over them is worth more then getting the Wagon Wheel back to where it belongs.  If Michigan was a losing team every year, they would not be OSU's rival.  (Unless of course they were both bottom dwellers).  So you see, if Can't doesn't continue to improve and get wins as we improve the Rivalry goes away.  What would be the point of a rivalry game if you win 10 or 15 in a row?Plus it just feels better when you steal a rivals thunder.
This entire argument is mind blowing to me.You don't always look good just because you beat your rival. If we play Can't the last game of the year, and they're unbeaten and we haven't won, does that mean we look good when we win the game? Of course not. You are only as good as your record indicates, not as good as your rival's record.The bottom line is: The Zips (and our fans) need to take care of our own schedule, and reasonable people should never cheer for their rival. Reasonable people cheer for their rivals to look as inept as possible "Every Minute."I repeat: F K.E.N.T. and under ZERO circumstances will I or should any true zips fans cheer for them :screwks:And as far as stealing your rival's thunder. If K.S.U.cks beats OSU, THEY will be stealing our thunder, because they will accomplish something that we, on our best day, could not do a couple weeks ago.
There are many grey areas many of you seem to dismiss. What happens when Akron might need k ent to knock off a miami or bg team to win the east. Maybe some hardcore, no way, f k ent, true zip fan would have a change of heart? I know it's already happened with the b-ball team and if it helps the zips, I'm all for it. Look at the irony of the situation, your hated rival winning to put your team over the top.
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I'll say this as politely as I can:Fuck K.E.N.T. and under zero circumstances will I or should any true zips fans cheer for themg-mann17 said .............Ok, I wasn't going to say anything, but if you follow football at all, then a real fan, roots for it's rival in every game except the one against the main team. All Buckeye fans should root for Michigan all the way to the last game of the season. Why? Because then you look that much better when you beat them. All Zips fans should root for Can't in every game except for when we are facing them. Why? Because it feels that much better to know you ruined your rivals great season.I root for any MAC school when they play a BCS school. Why? Because it shows high school players across the country that it doesn't matter what conference you play for, it matters how you play.Bottom Line, Can't is going to look even worse against OSU then we did. They make way too many errors. (Them losing will but a smile on my face because I hate Can't, but truthfully and MAC win over a BCS is chool is great for the conference). We might have played the Bucks conservatively but it least it kept us in the game until the end.Bottom, Bottom Line; we need to be concerned about UCONN not who anyone else is playing.
When all is said and done (and believe me someone should stick a fork in this turkey of a subject) I have to agree with g-mann17. :screwks::screwks::screwks:
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What happens when Akron might need k ent to knock off a miami or bg team to win the east.  Maybe some hardcore, no way, f k ent, true zip fan would have a change of heart?  I know it's already happened with the b-ball team and if it helps the zips, I'm all for it.  Look at the irony of the situation, your hated rival winning to put your team over the top.
If we need Can't to win a game, we have not executed properly. If they win in that situation, great for us, but I won't cheer for them. I'll repeat what I said previously. We need to worry about our own schedule. If we don't lose a MAC game, we don't need them to beat someone else so we can play in Detroit.
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I don't believe I have ever heard sgm state that he dislikes Charlie and hopes that Charlie fails. He's merely stated (several times and with appropriate statistical data to support his statements) that he does not think Charlie is cut out for the NFL. I've agreed to a point, but always clarified that it's hard to gauge anyone's performance while wearing a Browns uniform, but stats don't really show that Frye is capable at the next level. Hopefully the move to Seattle will turn things around for him.

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I don't believe I have ever heard sgm state that he dislikes Charlie and hopes that Charlie fails. He's merely stated (several times and with appropriate statistical data to support his statements) that he does not think Charlie is cut out for the NFL. I've agreed to a point, but always clarified that it's hard to gauge anyone's performance while wearing a Browns uniform, but stats don't really show that Frye is capable at the next level. Hopefully the move to Seattle will turn things around for him.
you need to dig deeper into the forum. He had a post on here why he hates him. It had something to do with getting an autograph . He hates Charlie. If you don't believe me, start a positive thread about Frye and you know who sticks there nose into it.
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I found the post you were referring to, and I stand corrected. He doesn't like Charlie Frye because he saw Charlie Frye acting like a jerk to people who never did anything but cheer for him. Shame on you, sgm...Having said that, and having seen Charlie's performance for the Browns, I still think that CF is not a really good QB at the NFL level.

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I would rather say we beat a good Can't team than a horrible Can't team. The more Can't wins, the better it makes us feel for beating them. Sometimes people do root for their rival. It helps make the rival game interesting if there's something on the line.There were a lot of OSU fans that were rooting for Michigan to go undefeated until they played OSU last year so that OSU could ruin there perfect season.This thread was about Doug Martin's comments and it got a little crazy because someone wishes Can't well for a couple games. If it was against Michigan, would people get all worked up about it? I recall people rooting for Can't against Iowa State a couple weeks ago. There were some that rooted for them to beat Kentucky. BuckZip stated it perfectly, "What is wrong with MAC fans?" The Big Ten teams always root for other big ten teams when it comes to non-conference games or Bowl games. It's money and prestige for the conference. They keep track of there conference wins in Bowl games and use them as benchmarks against other conferences.MAC fans should do the same.

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What happens when Akron might need k ent to knock off a miami or bg team to win the east.  Maybe some hardcore, no way, f k ent, true zip fan would have a change of heart?  I know it's already happened with the b-ball team and if it helps the zips, I'm all for it.  Look at the irony of the situation, your hated rival winning to put your team over the top.
If we need Can't to win a game, we have not executed properly. If they win in that situation, great for us, but I won't cheer for them. I'll repeat what I said previously. We need to worry about our own schedule. If we don't lose a MAC game, we don't need them to beat someone else so we can play in Detroit.
Winning all your games is an easy thing to type but not so easy to accomplish. Any help the Zips get is ok with me. It is afterall a Zips fans forum with most of us supporting the zips. Why stay home for Christmas when a k ent win over miami puts you in the MCB? You can stay home, I want to go bowling.
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I don't believe I have ever heard sgm state that he dislikes Charlie and hopes that Charlie fails.  He's merely stated (several times and with appropriate statistical data to support his statements) that he does not think Charlie is cut out for the NFL.  I've agreed to a point, but always clarified that it's hard to gauge anyone's performance while wearing a Browns uniform, but stats don't really show that Frye is capable at the next level.  Hopefully the move to Seattle will turn things around for him.
you need to dig deeper into the forum. He had a post on here why he hates him. It had something to do with getting an autograph . He hates Charlie. If you don't believe me, start a positive thread about Frye and you know who sticks there nose into it.
I do hate him and think he's a classless jerk, but I always cheered for him to do well when he was a member of the Zips and then a member of the Browns. That never took over my allegiance to the school.Now that he's a Seahawk? I don't care if he ever plays another down in the NFL. You see, I didn't let my hatred of the guy get in the way of cheering for my teams (Zips/Browns). So Bobbyake's jealously and hatred of Ohio State has led him to say he'd cheer for AND wear Can't gear? I'm sorry, I can't respect that...Can't State is our hated rival, Ohio State is a team in a different conference that we play every 4-6 years. I hate to pull the fan card, cuz I hate seeing others do it...but no real Zips fan is going to cheer for Can't State (unless they're playing Al Quida...and even then I think you cheer for a tie so neither wins).
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BuckZip stated it perfectly, "What is wrong with MAC fans?" The Big Ten teams always root for other big ten teams when it comes to non-conference games or Bowl games. It's money and prestige for the conference. They keep track of there conference wins in Bowl games and use them as benchmarks against other conferences.MAC fans should do the same.
I cheer for everyone in the MAC...except Can't.And I know about a dozen OSU students and actually took the time to ask each one if theyd ever cheer for Michigan under any circumstances. One said only if it was against another Big Ten team to help OSU win the title, the others said no, they wouldnt, under any circumstances.It's your hated rival...you just don't cheer for them. And if you do, don't go bashing people who cheer for a school that isn't even in the same conference.
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BuckZip stated it perfectly, "What is wrong with MAC fans?" The Big Ten teams always root for other big ten teams when it comes to non-conference games or Bowl games. It's money and prestige for the conference. They keep track of there conference wins in Bowl games and use them as benchmarks against other conferences.
Wow, I am really confused now. When I posted that, I was attacked and called names by some of the idiots that just don't understand college football.Now you are saying I was right??????????Next thing you will tell me the Browns are going to win the Superbowl in my lifetime.
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you're full of shit. If Can't was playing Michigan, you'd root for Can't.
Nope...actually, I'd root for the stadium to crumble and both teams to lose via forfeit. But, if I had to pick, I'd pick Michigan to win.You see bobby...I don't cheer for Can't under any circumstances, let alone say I'll wear their gear like you did. Please, if you're going to say that kind of stuff, don't question the "fanhood" of others...you have no reason to talk at all.
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How about this Steve, during the week Can't plays CSU, I'll create a poll asking Zips fans who they'll root for.PLUS, I would love to see what Fat George would write if Can't beat them. Would he say, "OSU lost, but it was only a scrimmage"????????????I never meant for this thread to get off topic. I'm sorry it did and for offending certain people for wishing Can't well against their "Big Boy" team.

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Bobby,1) Even being a secondary Buckeyes fan, I thought the WEWS move to go away from the Zips game was bush league and said so. I even called another member of this forum to tell him so. 2) You can put a poll up if you want...hey, it might be interesting to see the results. But when I think of the matchup, and have to choose between:- Our hated rival, the team that actually creates shirts ripping and mocking Akron (albeit not very successfully IMO), the school whose fans chant "Fuck you Akron"...the school that is in ou r conference, who we fight against for MAC championships in multiple sports...the school that is so hated, our forum has "K-e-n-t" spelled "Cant"...ORRRRRRRRRRRRRR...- A school that is NOT rival, is NOT in our conference...that we only play a few times a year...the school that does nothing to our fans or our school, but gets more media coverage and "competes" with us for recruits...And you're going to pick school A?Shame on you, and anyone else who agrees with you...if anything, a Can't win would help them with recruiting, with would then hurt us in the long run. And you're going to wear their gear? :tomato:

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BuckZip stated it perfectly, "What is wrong with MAC fans?" The Big Ten teams always root for other big ten teams when it comes to non-conference games or Bowl games. It's money and prestige for the conference. They keep track of there conference wins in Bowl games and use them as benchmarks against other conferences.MAC fans should do the same.
BuckZip must be assuming that since we are all zip fans we stick our heads in the sand and dont' see buckeye fans piling on Michigan when they lose.
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I do hate him and think he's a classless jerk, but I always cheered for him to do well when he was a member of the Zips and then a member of the Browns.  That never took over my allegiance to the school.Now that he's a Seahawk?  I don't care if he ever plays another down in the NFL.  You see, I didn't let my hatred of the guy get in the way of cheering for my teams (Zips/Browns). 
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! bold face lies.You did not support him when he was a brown. I was there in threads when you and w00t were both basically equating him to shit on a stick BEFORE he got traded to the seahawks
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