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Student Tailgating Trouble!


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As much as the next guy, I want everyone to have fun at the tailgates, but things got out of control on Saturday. After working for 6 years to get people to come to Akron tailgates, I had an all time high this past week...25 with 12 attending the game. Of the remaining 13, I got multiple complaints of how RUDE and OBSCENE the students were when they tried to leave. Someone tired to pick a fight with my 60 year old Father-In-Law after he asked them to not to put beer bottles under his tires and on his truck. Someone else was THROWING beer bottles at some women and making obscene gestures and comments!Needless to say, some of those people have told me that they will no longer come to Akron games because of this and have complained to the UofA Police Dept. GET YOUR ACT UNDER CONTROL!!! UA HAS RECEIVED MANY COMPLAINTS FROM THIS PAST WEEKEND....DON'T RUIN IT FOR THE REST OF US!!!

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I'll stop the blame game. I saw a fraternity acting a little crazy, wasn't sure which. That's why I jumped to conclude it was them that caused the problem stated in this thread.Besides the mess that was left, I thought the tailgating went well. The group I was in had over 30 students made up of mostly accounting and fire training students. We had a great time.

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Come on you guys....I've been tailgating at the Rubber Bowl for a few decades. At the same time, 100 similar parties are going on all across the county. It's probably wishful thinking to hope that no incidents will occur at these kinds of events. But they do happen, and they are not the result of any particular institution or group. It's individual people making some bad decisions, and the alcohol doesn't help. And with the rival fans floating around, I'm sure some people were a little bit more fired up than usual. Personally, I was out there all morning with my tailgate group, and within my eyesight, I saw nothing but people enjoying themselves and having a good time. Asking tailgaters in general to ensure that we have a good and safe experience is fair. But, PLEASE don't escalate this thing by pointing fingers.

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Has anyone ever seen the Innerbelt after the fireworks?As for the cussing, unfortunate, but to be expected to a degree.While at the Wing Warehouse for the OSU game, the Buckeye fan sitting right next to my 9 year old started yelling:"O freaken H-" (except he didn't say freaken)expecting an "I freaken O" in return.To his credit, he didn't repeat it as I said something to him.So, at least he's got that going for him....which is nice. (thank you Bill Murray)

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