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Buffalo Game Meetup


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Does anyone know of a way to see the Buffalo game, or any place in Akron that will be showing it? It seems like this may be the most significant game of the season, and it would be nice to get some visuals instead of audio only. Also, are any other alums planning on meeting up to watch?

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Does anyone know of a way to see the Buffalo game, or any place in Akron that will be showing it? It seems like this may be the most significant game of the season, and it would be nice to get some visuals instead of audio only. Also, are any other alums planning on meeting up to watch?
Hi Aaron:I belive the only place to watch the game is online at GoZips.com.they have a link on their home page.http://www.gozips.com/I don't believe the game is being televised on conventional TV.It is not on the MAC TV schedule:http://mac-sports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_...;ATCLID=1228779Hope this helps....
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Does anyone know of a way to see the Buffalo game, or any place in Akron that will be showing it? It seems like this may be the most significant game of the season, and it would be nice to get some visuals instead of audio only. Also, are any other alums planning on meeting up to watch?
Thanks for asking Aaron. If no one makes an announcement of a place for alumns to watch the game, hopefully someone on here will set something up. If there is an "official" location for alumns to go, contact the the AK-OLDIES and we will publish it to our membership. Also, if you are an alumni and haven't joined the OLDIES, now might be a great time!! ;)
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Maybe this should go to the AK-ROWDIES as well, but if somebody has a membership to the website, are there any large halls on campus that have a computer projector? Also, can any members comment on the picture quality from the website? Is this a full-screen deal, or just basically a 640x480?Barring anything else, do any oldies know of a bar that would put this on the radio and crank it up?Aaron

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Maybe this should go to the AK-ROWDIES as well, but if somebody has a membership to the website, are there any large halls on campus that have a computer projector? Also, can any members comment on the picture quality from the website? Is this a full-screen deal, or just basically a 640x480?Barring anything else, do any oldies know of a bar that would put this on the radio and crank it up?Aaron
I've subscribed in the past to the webcasts and they are optimized for web viewing. Therefore, projecting it onto a screen will create "less than desirable" results. Not sure of any local bar, but hopefully some other OLDIES/ROWDIES/Alumns will respond. I now live out of state, so I cannot help with local events. Might I suggest that you make a few phone calls to see if there are any local estblishments that will carry the feed? Then you can post it here and we will send it out to the OLDIES membership list.Thanks!
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