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Zippy - Mascot Playoffs


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Well, this could get interesting. According to the website, the vote counts will NOT be posted during the playoff voting. So, there will be no way to determine where we stand during playoff voting.Just to bring some of you up to date, we now have a bye in the quarter finals, and will face the winner of Otto and Cavman in the semi-finals. So, if anyone prefers that we face one or the other, you may want to vote in the quarterfinal round.Other than that, just get ready for next week !!!

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I would prefer Otto, myself. Just remember that we will have to vote as many times as possible using every screenname you have, every day because we can't leave the playoofs up to chance. Not knowing who is winning gives us a serious disadvantage because if we are winning the other voters will no get discouraged and quit because they won't know.

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Ok guys so here we go its playoff times we need every 1 on board Let me break this down just so every 1 is clear This week zippy is not in action that's because the roo got the number 1 seed and a bye to the semifinals Zippy will face the winner of Otto and cav manOk lets look at the numbersBack in week one we took home 38195 votes cav man had 33688 that's a difference of 4,507 votesHere's the thing with that this will turn into a huge rivalry because its going to be the battle of the athletics departments If you recall our main players in the athletics departments came from the UV and are now running the show in the AK ..booth teams will want to make a huge name for them self's ..... PS they wont be showing the total vote count for each week so we are going to have to take care of things and get the job doneWe came out of the gates in week 1 strong with 38195 votes but in week 10 we only had 27621 that's a difference of 10,574 votes we need to get this support back if were going to win this thingNow if we vote for Otto the vote count in week 3 was 41459 for us 40692 for good old otto that's a difference of 767 a bit closer of a race. Things to remember here Otto has been here last year and didn't leave with a ring which means he would do anything to get one this time aroundOr do we go with plan c vote for none of them ..we have beat each of these mascots before so we know we can beat them again..we also own the greatest voting power so our votes can make or break for some of these mascots then comes the fact who we have on our side. If we vote for one now and for some reason they go out maybe they will help us out. No one wants us to win this thing that's why we must come together. We can't' let our fait lie in anyone's hands but our own.In other action hairy dog gets the second bye and will take on the winner of goldy and cocky . I think we should rank them and let me know who you guys think is the biggest threats( even though any of these other 5 are just as strong)so we can get them out earlyLots of angles to think about But as always I am going to leave it in your handsDid you guys see that bob Dylan said on his radio show zippy was his favorite college mascot ..... hummmm could be a market for some votes Thanks and go zips

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The Mascot Challenge web site indicates that vote totals will not be displayed in the FINAL round - nothing there about the not displaying it in the first two rounds of the playoffs. I wondered why we weren't seeing a running vote total and just assumed that they meant for ALL playoff rounds. If you to to the web site and vote, notice that a running vote count is now being displayed. Cool! That will come in handy in rounds 1 and 2 as we try to control our destiny. All out war with the unknown in the final round.My votes this round: OTTO and COCKY.

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