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Catherine Byrne resigns

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Apparently Mack is not putting up with losing mentalities and is cleaning house.
I think that is great Mack wants to rid the athletics department of losers. Then he needs to start off by looking in the mirror. I have a few questions for Mack.How is the fundraising coming for the stadium? Have we brought any money in since the big announcement Aug 1st? Has any money come in since you started as A.D?Why does all the money people donate to sit in the lower part of the JAR go to the Z-Fund and not basketball? How is this fair to Coach D. The same thinbg goes for the football ticket donations. Has any money been brought in other than what is given for tickets? Have we seen any money for the new soccer stadium?How is the grass roots campaign coming along? It he must going strong because the attendence for the football games was at an all time high.... :lol: And the fans have been jamming the jar for a 6 - 1 basketball team. :lol: With a large amount of marketing people I would expect to see many more fans. Oh and don't forget the outside marketing company that was hired as well. Just what do all of those people in jar do all day long while getting a pay check.....Here is an FYI. The Akron/Canton/Cleveland area is way different than the UTEP area. You will never be successful in this area doing the same things that you did at UTEP. Their is more things to do in this area other than follow the Zips. The true fans will still come but the band wagoners only show up when you have a winner. Look at the bowl game in 2005. 15,000 people go to Detroit the day after Christmas yet only 5,000 show up at the rubber bowl for a game on a perfect day. Mike Thomas and Mike Waddell had a great thing going might i suggest you give them a call to help get this ship turned around.Pissing off your subordinates and the few loyal fans is not the way to go.
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:lol: With a large amount of marketing people I would expect to see many more fans. Oh and don't forget the outside marketing company that was hired as well. Just what do all of those people in jar do all day long while getting a pay check.....
I believe that you are being too hard on the Athletic Dept., after all they only have six people in Marketing Department and five in the Media Relations Dept. Wait a minute ... if I remember correctly the national company I worked for (that was 2nd in market share nationally) only had four people in Marketing and two in Media Relations. Wonder how they did it .................
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I agree that Mike Waddell and Mike Thomas did a great job. We were finally moving in the right direction. They did a great job. I can't comment on how Mack is doing, but I know that those two did an amazing job.

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I agree that Mike Waddell and Mike Thomas did a great job. We were finally moving in the right direction. They did a great job. I can't comment on how Mack is doing, but I know that those two did an amazing job.
If you don't mind my returning to the subject at hand... :D Katherine did an extremely creditable job as Akron's first women's soccer coach. And for the record, does anyone think we could have gotten a better coach anywhere for the janitor's-level salary she was paid? The women's athletic salaries at Akron are embarassing, and that is the main thing holding back the teams from excelling. They are the lowest in the MAC, and indeed the nation. That has to change for Akron to excel in women's sports. But back to Katherine Byrne. She was a class act, always a gracious woman with everyone she interacted with representing the University of Akron. Thank you for your service coach, and I look forward to meeting you in the future as a head collegiate soccer coach.
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