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Thank You Zipsnation

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Hey guys I hope every one had a great Christmas. I wanted to hoop on here and thank you guys for all of your support through out the Capital one season. I know you guys want me to bring you results but even I have no idea who won. In my heart I believe that there was one team and one nation better than the rest... I think you all know who that is. I am heading to New Orleans for a little get away to turn the page and start fresh in 08. I am truly blessed to have great fans like you the zips fans. I am going to find a bar on bourbon street and turn it into a zips bar. I have my Akron gear packed and ready to go. Like most of you I have been on pins and needles to find out the results. Should we win... who Iam I kidding when we win I have some ideas to keep this push going for a bit. I will sit down and see what can be done with the higher ups. There's one thing that is certain when we bring this thing back to Akron, I will remember that this is your title each and every one of you worked hard for it. I will work with that in mind the whole time We are nothing with out you are dear fans. Don't flip out if you don't hear about anything right of the back... I won't be home till the 10t h of January. Thank you so very much Wishing you a Happy Roo Year BakerWelcome to Roo Town This is your Team/ This Is your Roo/ This is your National title

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I thought the Capital One Bowl Game was in Florida on 1/1/2008. They aren't going to have the mascot there for the announcement?To make matters worse -- the Buckeyes are playing in New Orleans on 1/7/2008. God help me you aren't going to be at that game because if you are please don't ever don the Zippy costume again.

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I thought the Capital One Bowl Game was in Florida on 1/1/2008. They aren't going to have the mascot there for the announcement?To make matters worse -- the Buckeyes are playing in New Orleans on 1/7/2008. God help me you aren't going to be at that game because if you are please don't ever don the Zippy costume again.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, BZ! N'olens is ALSO the home of the biggest bowl game of the season -- the Sugah Bowl showdown between the Dawn Dawgs of Gawga, and da Warriors of da University of HA-Waiah! Perhaps ZippyNeedsyourvote is just in town to meet up with the second best mascot in the states -- our very own Hawaiian Warrior, making his first visit to da "mainland" -- gawd, how I hate dat word, since da only main land is the one I'm standing on right here in the islands. :DHauoli Makahiki Hou (Happy New Years) to all my friends in Zippyland.
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I thought the Capital One Bowl Game was in Florida on 1/1/2008. They aren't going to have the mascot there for the announcement?To make matters worse -- the Buckeyes are playing in New Orleans on 1/7/2008. God help me you aren't going to be at that game because if you are please don't ever don the Zippy costume again.
I don't think so. Zippy is not on the baseball team.
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Hey you haole, Z.I.P. ... !!!! Da Islans iz foe da bruddas whad iz kama Ai'ana witch jew hain't. Or iz jew kama Ai'ana now? Please advise.Mele Kalikemaka, too.I would be saddened greatly if brudda Zippy is attending the Suckeye hoosgoaw. I think thirty lashes with a Can't State gal's worn out bra would suffice as punishment.Wait, do dem Can't State ladies (choke) wear bras? Darned if der dance team needs one between them.

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