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For some reason I couldn't get on the site for till now. Basically it's 1/2 through the 4th, 34-31 Hawaii and to sum up the game, the Refs are so amazingly against MSU, I can't even describe it. At one point MSU had 12 penalties and Hawaii had 0. I'm listening to the game here in Michigan and the announcers are resigned to the fact that the WAC Refs are doing everything they can to make sure that Hawaii gets to the bowl. Folks, I think this might be another case of the powers that be making sure a specific team wins. This just makes me :puke:

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ZIPSRIFLE, I completely agree with you. I have been watching in total dismay as the officials have done everything in their collective power to insure that Hawai'i wins. The score is now 41-31 with just over 3:30 to play. There is no hope.

Akron has been cheated out of a bowl game by the representatives of fair play ... the officials. I have to believe that UH is in cahoots with these bastards. Thus, I have lost all respect for UH.

Michigan State is one of the least penalized teams in college football. Yet they were flagged nearly anytime they made progress. UH impossibly was error free literally on every play. Impossibile. I watched in horror on the UH drive that led to the TD that brought UH to 27 points. The 39 yard pass play was enabled by a huge holding (not called) right in front of the QB. Then on the pass play for the score there is an another hold not called.

A MSU pass play that would have given MSU a first and goal was broken up by a clear cut pass interference (not called). Shame, shame, shame.

There simply are far too many flagrant "no calls" and bad calls to list.

Shame on the WAC. Shame on UH. Shame.

UH just wan valdez 41-38. Shame. Shame. Shame.

Z.I.P. hang your head in shame. That was an ugly display of "sportsmanship". No fricking wonder UH is 7-1 at home.

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Guest ARandomHerdFan

Yes, this is a Marshall fan posting on the site, I know I'll be flamed, but oh well.

Speaking not only as a Marshall fan, but as a fan of college football in general, it's plain to see that both Michigan State and Akron were screwed tonight. This is disgraceful to the NCAA.

It was obvious that the officials were pulling for Hawaii the whole game. There were a lot of "shadow penalties" that I never even saw happen. The only reason the penalties were being called on Hawaii near the end was the fact that they were so obvious, all hell would have broken loose had they not been called.

I also find it curious that, only five minutes after the game, the representative from the Hawaii Bowl was there extending an invitation.

I do realize that Hawaii wants the revenue, and that there would be a better showing attendance-wise if Hawaii went to the bowl, but this was ludicrous. They should have just saved the Spartans some money and told them to stay home...

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What exactly happened on the last play of the game? By my rough estimate, there should have been about 8 or 10 seconds left for MSU when they set the ball for 4th down. Either that much left for a punt return, or to take over on downs?

Just when I thought the Spartans had gotten jobbed enough .. the refs let UH have a 40 second play clock on 4th down?

As with anything, the Zips need to take control of their own destiny. NO ONE will ever do it for them.

Nice season Zips!

Go Blazers!

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I really think that this game is an excellent example of how college football isn't really a game between college students. Back in '96, when we had Virginia Tech Beat at the Rubber Bowl, I couldn't believe my eyes when we lost. One of my buddies who was at the game turned to me and said "Do you actually think that they were going to let VT lose to one of the worst teams in the Country?" I think VT was ranked 15th at the time. I really believe that some serious money exchanged hands somewhere to put VT on top in that game.

I think we saw the same kind of thing here. IMO, if Akron went to Hawaii, it would have killed the Aloha bowl. Seriously, how many Akron fans were at UCF? I'm a huge fan but even if I didn't already have a vacation booked, I wouldn't pay an arm and a leg to Hawaii, I can't swing that. There were too many people with a lot of money caught up in the Aloha bowl to let Akron go. Despite the outcome, I am not heart broken. If we were like Toledo a few years ago, top 25 and sitting at home, then I would be pissed. We had a great season, JD really did an outstanding job with the team and I'll miss seeing Frye play. Unfortunately we'll be on the wrong end of the VT, TD Travis, deal until we're expect to win.

I don't care too much for Basketball anymore so outside of Rifle updates, like the Signiture says, I'll be going away for a while. Great year, Go Zips!

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Just another quick thought why did State do the fake onsides kick?????

I don't know if you are referring to the onsides kick at the end of the game but it was a very good one and MSU had a great chance to recover the ball -- BUT wouldn't you know it, an official threw a flag - offsides or something (maybe MSU was flagged for barking out signals again !?!??!) - and the play wouldn't have counted anyways. Even when it didn't matter, the officials had their bases covered. Too bad.

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Guest Marshall Fan

Game was BS. The BCS system is corrupting college football in general. NCAA football is no better off then the XFL. Everything is a setup. Hell that might as well annouce the score before the game and then let us watch the acting job in action. This game looked as fixed as our game against the Zips.

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I only watched the last 5-10 minutes of the first half, but did see the fight and ejections. I thought MSU had the game i in hand and went to bed. I guess it was really shitty in the second half huh?

Well, I was looking onto a possiblew Christmas in Hawaii. All for naught now, I guess.


Go Bengals :gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun:

Nice game Brownies :john::john::john::john::john::john::john::john:

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