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We all know the JAR will be packed for the Can't State game but on Saturday against Buffalo we all know that won't be the case. Even with our recent struggles, we have a pretty darn good basketball team. This University has 24,000 students and thousands upon thousands of Alumni. You cannot tell me that a conference game late in the season shouldn't bring out 5000+ fans. Now I know people on here are always complaining about the attendance so lets put our money where our mouth is for once. Bring 2 people that normally don't come to games this Saturday. Hell, bring 10 if you can. Have a pregame party at your house and have a few beers and some tailgating food to get in the mood. Give people a reason to want to go. There are TONS of people out there who have some sort of connection to this school, even if it's just knowing YOU the person who goes there. If we all can bring just a few extra people and be loud Saturday night maybe some of the newcomers might catch the fever. Now lets go people, lets get some people in the arena.

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A co-worker of mine has a friend who works at Comdoc. Sounds like Comdoc is handing out a bunch of freebies. I now have four of them and plan to beat the bushes to find four warm bodies to use them. Not gonna tell them they have to sit on a wood plank for 2 hours, possibly look through glass and a rail to see the game, or step on people to get out of the GA section to go to the restroom or purchase a bottle of $2.75 water. ;)

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A co-worker of mine has a friend who works at Comdoc. Sounds like Comdoc is handing out a bunch of freebies. I now have four of them and plan to beat the bushes to find four warm bodies to use them. Not gonna tell them they have to sit on a wood plank for 2 hours, possibly look through glass and a rail to see the game, or step on people to get out of the GA section to go to the restroom or purchase a bottle of $2.75 water. ;)
Well gee, now I can't figure out why they don't sell the place out every night!
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A co-worker of mine has a friend who works at Comdoc. Sounds like Comdoc is handing out a bunch of freebies. I now have four of them and plan to beat the bushes to find four warm bodies to use them. Not gonna tell them they have to sit on a wood plank for 2 hours, possibly look through glass and a rail to see the game, or step on people to get out of the GA section to go to the restroom or purchase a bottle of $2.75 water. ;)
Well gee, now I can't figure out why they don't sell the place out every night!
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A co-worker of mine has a friend who works at Comdoc. Sounds like Comdoc is handing out a bunch of freebies. I now have four of them and plan to beat the bushes to find four warm bodies to use them. Not gonna tell them they have to sit on a wood plank for 2 hours, possibly look through glass and a rail to see the game, or step on people to get out of the GA section to go to the restroom or purchase a bottle of $2.75 water. ;)
Well gee, now I can't figure out why they don't sell the place out every night!
I highly doubt that the University is losing money by ComDoc handing out tickets. I would bet that ComDoc is sponsoring the game tomorrow night, which goes like this:The UA Marketing Department gets a business to sponsor their games, at a cost, and in exchange, they get tickets. The exchange is that the business is basically buying a block of tickets for their empolyees and families in exchange for some advertising or mentions by the PA announcer.
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A co-worker of mine has a friend who works at Comdoc. Sounds like Comdoc is handing out a bunch of freebies. I now have four of them and plan to beat the bushes to find four warm bodies to use them. Not gonna tell them they have to sit on a wood plank for 2 hours, possibly look through glass and a rail to see the game, or step on people to get out of the GA section to go to the restroom or purchase a bottle of $2.75 water. ;)
Well gee, now I can't figure out why they don't sell the place out every night!
I highly doubt that the University is losing money by ComDoc handing out tickets. I would bet that ComDoc is sponsoring the game tomorrow night, which goes like this:The UA Marketing Department gets a business to sponsor their games, at a cost, and in exchange, they get tickets. The exchange is that the business is basically buying a block of tickets for their empolyees and families in exchange for some advertising or mentions by the PA announcer.
That is what they are probably doing. Now hopefully those people use their tickets and show up and bring some noise to the JAR
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