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not allowed to comment?

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i was just wondering why we were not allowed to comment on the news collector stories (the ones that refer you back to gozips.com). just seems to make more sense to be able to have a discussion on the story there as opposed to starting a new thread else where on the board.

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I was kind of wondering why they are on here at all. They just clog up the site. If I want news from gozips.com I'll go there -- if there is something interestingon a web page someone can link to it and comment. That seems to have worked fine for years -- not sure why the change.

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I was kind of wondering why they are on here at all. They just clog up the site. If I want news from gozips.com I'll go there -- if there is something interestingon a web page someone can link to it and comment. That seems to have worked fine for years -- not sure why the change.
I second big zip
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One stop shopping for Zips fans. I think that is the intent and I happen to think it is a good idea. Why should I have to wander around the net to find Zips stories? As for cluttering things up, just don't read them if you don't want to. I have no problem finding my way around here.

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Well .. my thoughts on this are that we are using the news collector to pull in Zips related stories for the front page. The front page pull stories from that Forum only.In the future we hope to pull other feeds (Rasor, etc) that are Zips related in the attempt to have the Nation be your one stop shop for Zips news if you want one. We're working on what we can and can not pull in and how much. For instance, if you pull Rasor's RSS feed, it pulls the entire article, which would reduce Mike's hits .. which we DON'T want to do.So we're working on that .. As for commenting in the News articles themselves .. I think our intent at the moment is to keep the sports discussions together .. so that folks don't have to check multiple places if they're interested in discussions related to a specific sport. I haven't figured out how to auto sort the articles into the right forums. In that case, we could import them into the news forum for the front page .. and the individual forums for commenting ..but at this point, I don't have that figured out .. so things will remain as they are. The news forum is jsut that ... a collection of news .. discussions remain within their established forums.not permanent .. but it's the way it is. Comments noted.Thanks.ZW

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