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Everything posted by rowdy52

  1. That is the worst part. This season is over for our team that has worked so hard and as much as we try to get answers (or something like them) and let them know what a screwed up job they did it wont help for this season and correct the wrong. But you can bet next season we'll come back strong. And thanks for the 26 graphics up there. Time to start sticking those up all around.
  2. I've been reading these forums all season and have gone to just about every home game this season including the tournament but just joined. I was shocked when I first read on here we didnt get into the NIT. I cant believe how we went from on top of the world Friday night to this. I'm speechless. Saturday I was pissed but more sad than anything and now I'm just down right mad and in shock. How a team that has worked so hard all season and has 26 wins can be denied all around and not get in any postseason action is crazy. It's end to believe the season is over and this is the ending. I know we had some bad moments when we could have helped ourselves out more like on freethrows but c'mon. And as bad as I feel right now, I feel worse for our team. I saw the channel 5 story and they were just sitting there in disbelief with these blank stares on their faces and then got up to leave. They deserve better than this! I know it's probably not much to them now but they made this season one Zips fans will never forgot.
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